12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Россия, Алтайский край

Мои герои - мои родители.

MY PARENTS ARE MY HEROES The project was prepared by Gilderman Elizabeth , form 8

Ask why? I'll tell you.

Ever since I was born, my parents have taken care of me.

They did everything they could to make my childhood happy and carefree.

They are my support!

There are seven children in our family. Four of us are non-blood. But our mom and dad love us exactly the same. And all of us can always trust our parents and rely on them.

Our parents work very hard so that we have not only everything we need, but even much more. And each of us tries to do our best to help them around the house.

Our parents are responsible, considerate and loving. They are always with us, support us in difficult moments and forgive our misdeeds and petty pranks. We spend a lot of time together and feel absolutely happy.

I appreciate everything that our parents have already done for me and my brothers and sisters and continue to do. I love them, I adore them! My parents are my heroes!