12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Алексеева Кристина Вячеславовна4

Игра "крестики-нолики" к УМК "Starlight 7" Starter Unit

food and drinks transport places in a city household chores make a phrase collocations some/much/many natural disasters cooking methods

Transport Mr Holmes is flying to Spain on a business trip. His ………….. leaves at 6:00. The fastest way to travel in London is below the city on the ………….. . Hannah was very late for work and had to call for a …………… . We went to the Isle of Man by …………. last weekend. Tom loves riding his …….. in the park every afternoon. People don’t often take their ……….. into the city centre because there is too much traffic. car bike ferry underground bus plane motorbike car taxi

Places in a city distribute the following words into three columns types of home features of a city public services/ facilities block of flats petrol station post office cottage community centre detached house bus lane bus stop library hospital road sign bungalow tunnel traffic lights semi-detached house

food and drinks tomatoes yogurt chicken orange juice cauliflower salmon grapes lamb fruit & vegetables dairy products meat fish drinks milk cherries tuna tea peppers

household chores fill in: …………………. the furniture …………………. the bed ………………….. the clothes …………………… the table …………………… the rubbish …………………… the floor …………………… the washing-up ……………………. the carpets do lay mop iron dust make take out hoover

Health issues fill in: ____________ vegetables _____________ the beach _____________ posters _______________ money for charity get ___________ in mud _______________ local food ______________ a flight ______________ my luggage ______________ respect ______________ a difference grow stuck show patrol try lose raise put up miss make

make a phrase polluted child rescue medical conservation bus team supplies waters project lane labour C F A B D E

some /much /many Do you want a/some piece of cake. How much/many eggs do we need? There’s only a few/ a little pasta left. You shouldn’t eat too many/too much chocolate. We have a lot of/many food for the party. Can I have some/any more coffee, please? I only have a little/ a few strawberries. There aren’t many / much cookies in the jar. Is there any/ many soup left? I always eat an/a apple after lunch.

natural disasters “We saw the sea coming towards us. We all ran for the hills to save our lives.” “I was in bed when the house started shaking. I could see the walls move, so I jumped out of bed and hid under the kitchen table.” “ We planted potatoes in December, but the rain never came. The fields are empty. We hope it will rain very soon.” “The emergency services warned us to leave our house immediately. There was water on the first floor. We could not stop it. It was rising and rising.” “We could see and smell the thick smoke in the atmosphere.” tsunami earthquake drought flood forest fire