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Лондонская национальная галерея

The National Gallery of London Done by kutbiddinov Timur

The National Gallery The National Gallery is an art museum in Trafalgar Square in the City of Westminster, in Central London.  Unlike comparable museums in continental Europe, the National Gallery was not formed by nationalising an existing royal or princely art collection. It came into being when the British government bought 38 paintings from the heirs of John Julius Angerstein , in 1824.

History At the beginning of the nineteenth century, king George IV realized that many European cities had opened impressive art museums to the public, such as the Louvre in Paris, the Vatican Museums in Rome and the Uffizi in Florence. 

The neoclassical building The neoclassical building that now houses the museum was completed in 1838 after a much-criticized design by English architect William Wilkins. It was built at the then still to be developed Trafalgar Square, which had just been cleared. 

The Collection The National Gallery's collection includes European paintings from the thirteenth to the nineteenth centuries. The works are arranged in a more or less chronological order. 

The Gallery aims The Gallery aims to study and care for the collection. Paintings from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are on display in the east wing. Here you'll find impressionist and post-impressionist works from artists like van Gogh, Seurat and Renoir.

Great ways to discover paintings Seventeenth-century paintings from Italy, Flanders, Spain and the Netherlands are displayed in the north wing and features works from masters such as Rubens, Van Dyck , Rembrandt and Caravaggio.

J. M. W. Turner, The Fighting Temeraire

Hans Holbein, The Ambassadors

Vincent van Gogh, Sunflowers

Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait

George Bellows, Men of the Docks