12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Урусова Карина Валентиновна24

Презентация к открытому уроку в 11 классе "The world of science and technology"

Good morning dear friends! Nice to see you here today!

Science, modern technologies, breakthrough, discovery, research, Internet. “ The more I know, the more I understand that I know nothing “ B.Spinoza. The science of today is the technology of tomorrow. Edward Teller

The theme of our lesson today is: The world of science and technology.

Match words with pictures: Science, modern technologies, discovery, weight, height, solar system.

1.If you drop two balls of different weight from a high place, which will fall first. a)The heavier item b)They will both fall at the same time. 2 Which scientist lived in the 20th century? a)Einstein b)Newton 3When was telephone invented? a) In 1971 b)In 1991 4When was the first e-mail sent. A)in 1971 b)in 1991

Match the pictures with subtitles A-E. There is one extra subtitle. A First vaccination B First dinosaur fossils identified C The theory of natural selection D The gravitation law E The law of falling bodies

What Russian scientists and inventors do you know?

Complete the spidergrams with words : astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, physics, geology, biology ? Solar system planets stars ? number amounts space ? chemicals liquids gases

? earthquakes stones rocks ? length height volume ? animals cells plants

Homework: Write short report about famous scientist or invention. 100-150 words.