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Хайрулина Олеся Игоревна266
стаж работы 19 лет
Россия, Сахалинская обл., село Ильинское

Стив Джобс - легендарная личность компьютерного мира

Steve Jobs Done by Kutbiddinov Timur

Biography Steven Paul Jobs is an American entrepreneur and inventor. He was the co-founder, chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Apple Corporation. Stephen Jobs was born on February 24, 1955. In the town Mountain View, California. His childhood and youth were spent there, in the foster family of Paul and Clara Jobs, to whom he was given for upbringing.

Jobs graduated from high school in Cupertino in 1972 and attempted to graduate from college in Portland, Oregon. However, Jobs was expelled after the first semester. In 1974, Jobs returned to Cupertino, where he showed an increase interest in computer technology and new developments. He became an active participant in the local computer club Homebrew Computer, at one of the meetings of which he later became friends with his future Apple partner, Steve Wozniak. Jobs and Wozniak had been friends for several years, meeting in 1971 when their Mutual friend Bill Fernandez introduced 21-year-old Wozniak to 16-year-old Jobs.

Apple Macintosh computers In the early 1980s, Jobs was one of the first to see the commercial potential of a mouse-controlled graphical user interface, which led to the creation of Macintosh. On September 12, 1988, S. Jobs made his new debut in San Francisco, or rather his NeXT computer, which he worked on for three years after leaving the company Apple. Jobs demonstrated an extraordinary spectacle in the style of "light and sound", as wells an unusual-looking computer in the shape of a cube with an edge length of about 30 cm. The machine addressed the audience with a speech delivered in a synthesized voice that perfectly imitated the voice of Martin Luther King."

The triumph of the company In 1996, he sold Next Computer to Apple and returned to the role of adviser to the chairman himself. After returning, he produces innovative products such as the Monoblock computer iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad. Jobs' ability to convince the public at presentations that she needed this product raised sales of Apple equipment. For several years, the American bandhas introduced several revolutionary products at once: MacBook Air laptops, iPod media player and iPhone smartphone. Competitors could not keep up with the pace of the company, so they simply released dim copies that faded against the background of the original literally to heaven.

Inventions At school, fascinated by electronics and gravitating towards communication with older guys, Jobs meets Steve Wozniak, his future colleague at Apple. Their first collaboration bordered on hooliganism: two Steve's made a BlueBox device that allowed making free long-distance phone calls. Subsequently, according to legend, they built their first joint business based on the same scheme. Wozniak manufactured these devices during hisstudies at Berkeley, and Jobs, as a high school student, was engaged in their sale.

The first iPod Appeared on October 23, 2001. Incredibly compact and portable music player is equipped with buttons, with built-in FM radio, pedometer, mount and many other functions. The first iPhone (2007) iPhone is a line of quad-band multimedia smartphones developed by Apple Corporation. Smartphones combine the functionality of an iPod player, a communicator and an Internet tablet. On June 29, 2007, official iPhone sales began in the United States. Then several thousand people lined up at the Apple store to be the first to purchase a breakthrough gadget. Thus began the story of the most successful smartphone in the world.

End of life On August 24, 2011, Jobs announced that he was leaving the post of CEO of Apple because he could no longer "meet his responsibilities and expectations." On October 5, 2011, Jobs passed away. The cause of death was respiratory arrest caused by a malignant tumor of the pancreas. Jobs' funeral was held on October 7, and their place it was kept a secret. Jobs was married. He is survived by four children.