12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Панченко Ольга Юрьевна18

Sivka Burka. Лексический тест. Тест по содержанию сказки.

Let’s revise: The next day, there is a letter from the palace. True False

Let’s revise: The princess is inviting everyone. True False Tsar

Let’s revise: There is a big contest. True False feast

Let’s revise: The old man and his sons must go. True False

Let’s revise: Ivanushka doesn’t go. True False goes too

Let’s revise: They all go to the palace. True False

Let’s revise: It is an awful feast. True False a wonderful

Let’s revise: They eat from silver plates. True False golden

Let’s revise: They drink from mugs. True False

Let’s revise: There is delicious food. True False

Let’s revise: There is music and dancing. True False

Let’s revise: Everyone is sad. True False happy

Let’s revise: The princess starts to serve a fruit drink. True False honey

Let’s revise: She sees the bandage on Andrei’s hand. True False Ivanushka’s

Let’s revise: Ivanushka is wearing his new clothes. True False old

Let’s revise: Ivanushka has an honest face and a warm smile. True False

take off ground

- Who’s the handsome man? - Ivanushka.

- Who’s the girl? - It’s the princess.

- Are they happy? - Yes, they are very happy.