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Сапоненко Луиза Радмировна109
Россия, Ханты-Мансийский АО, Нижневартовск

Презентация по английскому языку "Ancient civilizations" (9 класс)

ancient (very old) civilizations Презентацию выполнила учитель английского языка МБОУ “СШ № 2 – многопрофильная им. Е.И. Куропаткина Сапоненко Луиза Радмировна

Ancient Ancient Egypt *Geographically isolated by deserts and sea. *Because of dry climate ancient cities, pyramids, artifacts have been preserved.  *The Egyptians made a system of basins and channels on the Nile (river).  *They were good farmers, sailors and hunters.  *Used the papyrus plant to produce a type of paper and cotton for making clothes.

Ancient Greece. *The political and social organization was the “polis”  or independent city- state. (Athens, Sparta and others) *The Greeks made experiments with political, artistic and philosophical ideas. *One of the most fascinating things they have left is their legends. *The Ancient Greeks worshipped lots of Gods and Goddesses, for different things! *Greece gave the world the Olympic games.