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Хайрулина Олеся Игоревна261
стаж работы 19 лет
Россия, Сахалинская обл., село Ильинское

Волгоградский государственный университет

Volgograd STATE University Done by: Shnyryov Anton

By tradition, 1980 is considered the founding year of Volgograd State University. The history of VolSU began a little earlier. By tradition, 1980 is considered the founding year of Volgograd State University. The history of VolSU began a little earlier. 1972 The Volgograd regional committee of the CPSU decides to bring a university employee to the city. June 21, 1974 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR № 510 on the organization of a state university in Volgograd. October 30, 1974 Order of higher and secondary specialized education of the RSFSR № 469 on the organization of Volgograd State University in the city. 1977 The Council of Ministers of the RSFSR approves the technical design of the first stage of construction of the Volgograd State University building complex. The first phase includes four educational and laboratory buildings, a dormitory, and a canteen. May 31, 1979 Decision of the board of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR on the start of classes at Volgograd State University from September 1, 1980. March 21, 1980 Order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR № 7-GU on the appointment of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor M.M. as rector of Volgograd State University.

important events

June 10, 1986 The Department of Algebra and Geometry was merged with the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions and was transformed into the Department of Geometry and Analysis (headed by V.T. Fomenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor). The Department of Computational Methods and Theory of Control Systems was transformed into the Department of Computational Mathematics (headed by M.P. Kharlamov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor). August 20, 1986 The university issued an order to open training for students in the specialty “Jurisprudence” on the basis of the Faculty of History. At the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology, a specialty “Scientific and Technical Information and Technical Translation” has been opened with departments of English and German languages. December 30, 1986 A training laboratory of archeology was created (headed by A.N. Dyachenko). August 31, 1987 On the basis of the Faculty of History, the Faculty of History and Law was created (Dean - B.F. Zhelezchikov, Ph.D., Associate Professor). As part of the Faculty of Mathematics, the Department of Applied Mathematics was created (headed by A.E. Andreev, Ph.D., Associate Professor). The faculties of Romance-Germanic philology and the Faculty of Philology are united into the Faculty of Philology (Dean - R.L. Kovalevsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor). September 1, 1987 Training in the specialties “Applied Mathematics” and “Radiophysics and Electronics” was opened. October 14, 1987 The Department of Legal Studies was created as part of the Faculty of History and Law.