12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Хайрулина Олеся Игоревна261
стаж работы 19 лет
Россия, Сахалинская обл., село Ильинское

Пять фактов обо мне и то, что делает меня счастливой

Five facts about me and what makes me happy Done by: Plichkina Kira

Five facts about me I am very kind and always ready to help At some moments I can be very aggressive My condition is very depressed and it's not easy for me I was abandoned by all my close friends I am a difficult person in terms of character

What makes me happy? My friends and classmates make me happy. They lifted my spirits when I was sad. My classmates always joked and did stupid things, I felt happy with them. They always helped me and we often sat at my house, told other stories or watched movies, but now I'm studying in another school. They always remain in my heart.

What makes me happy? My friends, with whom I have known for only two years, but with them I learned what happiness is! We had a lot of cool and interesting moments, sleepless nights when we sat in the kitchen and talked until 4 in the morning, winter parties when I was thrown into the snow. Now I’m communicating only with my friend, he is only one who understands me and gives me support, and I am very happy because I know that he is waiting for me.