12+ Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917 Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058 |
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- 1. When you see a situation in which there is a lot of competition and people are too busy to relax ...
- 2. If you want to wish someone good luck, you may say: “Break a __________!”
- 3. If your ___________ are sealed, you will not tell the secret to anyone else.
- 4. When you are upset, you need ____________ and sympathy.
- 5. When you are going to express something in a simple direct way, you put it in a ___________.
- 6. I hope you will stop learning English when _____________ fly.
- 7. You should always remember that you are the __________ of your mum’s eye.
- 8. If you want to win, you should run against the __________.
- 9. The boss was forced to eat his _________ after the strike.
- 10. His words usually are senseless but this phrase takes the________.