12+ Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917 Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058 |
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- Can you find the adjective that means the same? right
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: loyal?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: glad?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: near?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: impartial?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: important?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: amazing?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: hazardous?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: boring?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: clever?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: cheap?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: wealthy?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: tired?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: infamous?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: rich?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: weak?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: stubborn?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: mad?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: shut?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: sufficient?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: mean?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: precise?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: obese?
- Can you find the adjective that means the same: hard-working?