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Юлия Сергеевна Якимова439
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Россия, Архангельская обл., Котлас

Конспект урока английского языка

Тема урока: Английский писатель Ш. Бронте и ее роман «Джейн Эйр»

Задача урока: развитие у учащихся навыков и умения передавать содержание прочитанного, делать самостоятельные сообщения, развивать навыки и умения чтения текста: находить материал для характеристики действующих лиц, проводить беседу по ситуациям.

Учебный материал: книга для чтения, роман «Джейн Эйр» и другие произведения английских писателей и поэтов.

1 Вступительноесловоучителя:

At the previous lessons we spoke about great English writers. For today you had to read the passage from the novel by Ch. Bronte “Jane Eyre”. As you know this novel is very popular in many countries and in our country too. It is translated into many languages of the world. I hope you enjoyed reading the text. Some of you had to do different tasks on the text. So let’s speak about it.

II. first I want you to speak about Ch. Bronte.

1) Speak about her family, her childhood.

2) Speak about her literary work.

Translate into Russian:

1) Ch. Bronte is a famous English writer

2) She wrote the novel “Jane Eyre”.

3) The novel made her famous.

III. Open your books on page 102.

Tell me, please, who are the main characters of this story?

Let’s read the text in the brackets.

IY. Now imagine that the main characters have come to our lesson. You want to get information about them as much as possible. Ask them questions.

1) Учащаяся – Jane Eyre.


1) Who are you little girl?

2) How old are you?

3) Where are your parents?

4) Where do you live?

5) Is Mrs. Reed kind to you?

6) Are you unhappy?

Ответы на вопросы: I’mJaneEyre. I’m ten. I’m an orphan. My parents died when I was a very little girl. Now I like in the family of my uncle, Mr. Reed. Mrs. Reed is not kind to me. she and her children do not love me. They often beat me. My aunt doesn’t want to see me and she is going to send me to the school for poor children… You are right. I’m unhappy in their family. That is why I am happy to leave them.

2) 11 учащаяся- Mrs. Reed.

1) Mrs. Reed, is your Family big or small?

2) How many children have you?

3) Who is this little girl?

4) Do you love her, don’t you?

5) Does she live with you?

Ответынавопросы: My family is big. My husband died. I live with children here. I have 3 children. My niece lives with us because her mother died. I don’t love her because she is not so clever and so beautiful as my children. But my children are the best ones in the world. How claver they are. How beautiful they are.

3) учащийся- Mr. Brocklehurst.


1) Mr. Brocklehurst, what are you?

2) What kind of school is it?

3) Why did you come here?

Ответы: I’m the director of Logwood School. This is a school for poor children. I came here because Mrs. Reed asked me to see Jane Eyre. She wants to send her to my school. That’s why I am here.

Y. Сценка из романа « Джейн Эйр»:

Учитель: Did you like their acting?

Ученик: Yes, I did their acting is wonderful.

Учитель: So Mr. Brocklehurst came to see Jane. And we know that she was taken to Logwood School. Describe the school?

1) What kind of school was it?

2) What did the children have for dinner?

3) What did they have for supper?

YI. Express your attitude to the main characters. What do you think of them?

1) To my mind Jane is a very good and clever girl. She is very modest. But she is unhappy because she has no parents. And Mrs. Reed is very cruel to her. I sympathize with Jane and I hope she will be happy.

2) I my opinion Mrs. Reed is a very bad woman, because she is very cruel and she is not kind to Jane. She loves only her children but she does love Jane. As for me I don’t like such people.

3) As for Mr. Brocklehurst it’s difficult to say what kind of man he is. But I think he is not a good man because he cannot understand a little girl. He says Jane is a bad girl because she thinks the bible is not interesting. To my mind it’s difficult to read the Bible for a little girl.

Чтение отрывка из романа « Джейн Эйр» глава 3, страница 11

Mr. Brocklehurst visits Logwood.

YII. We know that Mrs. Reed wrote a letter to Jane. You made up your own letter from her name. Reed it please. Dear Jane. Perhaps this is my last letter to you, because I am very ill. I know that you were not happy in my family. I was cruel to you and my children did not love you. I hated you because you were cleverer that my children. For give me if you can. Your aunt, Mrs. Reed.

YIII.Учитель: Who has read this novel?

Did you like it?

Did you see the film version of the novel?

Does anybody know what is the end of the novel? Has the novel a happy end?

Yes, this a story with a happy end. Jane will be happy she met a man who loved her and she loved him too. They got married and lived a happy life.

IX. I know that some of you have already read this book, some of you have got interested in it, others are going to read it.

Imagine a situation:

1). You have met a friend who has already read this book. Talk about it.

P1: What book is it?

P2: It’s Jane Eyre.

P1: Who is the author?

P2: It is written by Ch. Bronte.

P1: Is it interesting?

P2: Yes , I enjoyed reading it.

P1: Will you give it to me to read?

P2: Of course. I am sure you will enjoy reading it too.

P1: Thank you.

P2: Not at all.

2) You are in the library .You want to take the book “Jane Eyre”.

P. Good morning, N.A.!

L. Good morning, L.! What can I do for you?

P. I’d like to read “Jane Eyre” by Ch Bront .Have you got such a book in the library?

L. Yes, we have. Just a minute. Here you are.

P. Thank, you!

L. Not at all. I hope you’ll like the book.

2) Speak about your favorite writer.

P1. Who is your favorite English writer?

P2. D. Defoe. And yours?

P1. Ch. Dickens.

P2. Well, I like Ch. Dickens too, especially his novel “Oliver Twist”.

P1. Yes, his novels are wonderful.

X. We have spoken about the novel. Many people like to read novels. And what about poems? Do you like to read poems? Who is your favorite Russian poet? Do you know any English poems?

Ученик: Yes, I do. I’d like to recite one of the Shakespeare’s sonnets. Whom is it devoted to?

Ученица: This sonnet is devoted to a woman with dark hair and eyes. The Dark Lady of the sonnets is a mystery. But if she was a real person Shakespeare loved her.

Ученица: I am going to recite one of the poems by R. Burns, a great Scottish poet.

Учитель: In addition I want to tell you that these beautiful poems were translated into Russian by the famous Soviet poet S. Marshak. As we know all Shakespeare’s sonnets were translated by Marshak. Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. Once he said: “Each of the sonnets is like a piece of music”.

Я перевел Шекспировы сонеты,

Пускай поэт, покинув старый дом,

Заговорит на языке другом.

В другие дни, в другом краю планеты,

Соратником его мы признаем,

Защитником свободы. Правды, мира.

Недаром имя славное Шекспира

По-русски - значит потрясай копьем.

Marshak translated works by R. Burns too. Alexander Tvardovsky valued his translation very high. This is what he said: “ОнсделалБернсарусским. Оставивегошотландцем”.Thank to translators we can read beautiful poems by Shakespeare, Byron, Shelly, R. Burns and other great poets, when it is difficult for us to read in the original.

XI.Учитель: English writers stand high in world literature. Their names are dear to those who love literature. What famous English writers do you know?

Ученик: Д.ДефоI know the famous English writer D. Defoe. He wrote the novel “ Robinson Crusoe”. It was one of the first novels in the history of English literature. In this novel the writer told the true story of a sailor who lived on an island where there were no other people. R. Crusoe in Defoe’s novel lived on an island for 28 years. He worked all the time and learned to make many useful things. People in England and in many other countries liked the novel.

Ученик: Дж. СвифтI know many English writers. One of them is Jonathan Swift. J. Swift was a famous English writer. He wrote a satirical novel “Gulliver’s Travels”. In this novel he showed England of his time. People liked the book not only in England but in other countries too.

Ученик: Ч. ДиккенсAnd I’d like to tell you about Ch. Dickens, one of the greatest writers of English critical realism. I read his books such as “Oliver Twist”, “David Copperfield”. In his works the author raised social problems.

Ученик: В. СкоттAnother famous English writer is W. Scott. He is the founder of historical novel in England. I know his book “Ivanhoe”. In this book he described England at the time of Richard the First, the 12-th century. Robin Hood and his friends are shown in “Ivanhoe”. As we know, R. Hood was a legendary hero who helped poor people. W. Scott wrote the best pages of his novel about them.

XII. And now the boys will tell you about themselves. Guess from what books they came to us.

Ученик – Robinson Crusoe

As for me I live in the town of York in England. When I was a small boy I wanted to go to sea. I had a friend. His father was captain of a ship. The captain took me and my friend on his ship. After that I went to sea many times. I became a sailor. One day when our ship was at sea there was a great storm. The ship broke. I was in the water for a long time. But the sea carried me to shore.

Who am I?

Ученик – Gulliver

I was born in a large family of a farmer. I studied at school well and my father sent me to the university .When I left the university I worked with a doctor and learned the doctor’s profession. I handed to travel and found work on a ship as the ship’s doctor. One day there was a terrible storm. The ship broke into pieces and the people were drowned. I could swim very well and I has not drowned. I got out of the water and slept on the shore for many hours. When I woke up I found that I was in a country, where very, very small people lived. Who am i/

XIII. Make up sentences using Active ore Passive Voice.

Look at the blackboard

Authors works

L. Carol “Alice in Wonderland”

A. L. Carol wrote “Alice in Wonderland”

P. “Alice in Wonderland” was written by L. Carol.

XIY. At the next lessons we shall speak about great English poets.

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