12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовал
Стародубцева Лариса Васильевна14

Present Continuous

I. Add the ending -ing:

1) Play ____________________________

2) Go_____________________________

3) Give____________________________

4) Swim___________________________

5) Sit_____________________________

6) Write___________________________

7) Finish__________________________

8) Eat____________________________

II. Complete the sentences with am - is or are.

Sue __________ playing volleyball with Tom.

My mother____________ washing the dishes.

My father_________________reading a book.

We _______________________watching TV.

My brother _____________________sleeping.

They __________________ listening to music.

We _________________doing our homework.

The pupils _________________going fishing.

I _______________________reading comics.

She __________________cleaning the house.

3. Make the sentences negative.

Tom and Ann ______ ( not watch ) TV with my family.

My father ________________( not wash ) his car.

3) I _____________________ (not read )a newspaper.

4) My friends ______________ (not visit ) me today.

5) It ________ (not snow) at the moment.

4. Make the questions.

1) John / eat / cake?

2) children / play / with a ball?

3) mum / cook / chicken?

4) Kate and Jane / wear / new dresses?

5) my uncle / drive / a car?

5. Correct the mistake.

1) We are eat a lot of sweets at the moment. .......................

2) Joana playing her toys with Peter. ..................................

3) I is meeting my cousin on Monday. ...............................

4) Granny are read an interesting book. ................................

5) They am swimming in the lake. .....................................

6) You’re fly a plane at the moment. ...................................

Present Continuous

I. Add the ending -ing:

1) Play ____________________________

2) Go_____________________________

3) Give____________________________

4) Swim___________________________

5) Sit_____________________________

6) Write___________________________

7) Finish__________________________

8) Eat____________________________

II. Complete the sentences with am - is or are.

Sue __________ playing volleyball with Tom.

My mother____________ washing the dishes.

My father_________________reading a book.

We _______________________watching TV.

My brother _____________________sleeping.

They __________________ listening to music.

We _________________doing our homework.

The pupils _________________going fishing.

I _______________________reading comics.

She __________________cleaning the house.

3. Make the sentences negative.

Tom and Ann ______ ( not watch ) TV with my family.

My father ________________( not wash ) his car.

3) I _____________________ (not read )a newspaper.

4) My friends ______________ (not visit ) me today.

5) It ________ (not snow) at the moment.

4. Make the questions.

1) John / eat / cake?

2) children / play / with a ball?

3) mum / cook / chicken?

4) Kate and Jane / wear / new dresses?

5) my uncle / drive / a car?

5. Correct the mistake.

1) We are eat a lot of sweets at the moment. .......................

2) Joana playing her toys with Peter. ..................................

3) I is meeting my cousin on Monday. ...............................

4) Granny are read an interesting book. ................................

5) They am swimming in the lake. .....................................

6) You’re fly a plane at the moment. ...................................


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