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Россия, Коми респ., Сыктывкар

Презентация «British and American English»

British and American English Автор – Кузнецова Д.А., учитель английского языка, ГОУ РК «РЦО»

Compare Russian British American Квартира Flat Apartment Аптека Chemist’s Drugstore Лифт Lift Elevator Осень Autumn Fall Шоссе Motorway Highway Кино Cinema Movies Штаны Trousers Pants

Compare Russian British American Расписание Time-table Schedule Метро Underground Subway Грузовик Lorry Truck Стоять в очереди To queue To stand in line Печенье Biscuit Cookie Кафе Café Diner Заправка Petrol station Gas station

British or American English? 1. Have you seen Dick's new truck? 2. Did you go to movies last weekend? 3. Tom told me to get off the Underground at Tower Hill. 4. What about another chocolate biscuit? 5. We'll have to stop at the next gas station. 6. The lift is out of order. 7. You have to stand in line to get a ticket. 8. You have cold, you better go to chemist’s and buy some medicine. 9. Anne shares a flat with her two friends. 10. You better observe the speed limit on the highway.