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Юлия Аркадьевна Лебедева26
Россия, Мурманская обл., Гаджиево

Методическая разработка по английскому языку «Mystery of the Solovetsky Islands (Тайна Соловецких островов)»


Read the words and train your pronunciation archipelago [a:kı‘pelıgəυ] architectural [a:kı‘tekt∫ərəl] monastery [‘monəstərı] fortress [‘fo:trıs] fortifications [fo:tıfı‘keı ∫ən] picturesque [pıkt ∫ə‘resk] invincible [ın‘vınsıbl] state prison [steıt ‘prızən] monk [mΛŋk]

Give the English equivalents Непобедимая крепость an invincible fortress Живописная природа picturesque nature Изумительный монастырь an amazing monastery Архитектурные памятники architectural monuments Жестокая тюрьма an inhuman prison

Tell about the Solovetsky Islands according this plan Geographical position Climate and nature History of the monastery Monastery as a fortress and a state prison

Geographical position Where are the Solovetsky Islands located? What islands do the Solovki consist of?

Climate and Nature What is the climate of the Solovetsky Islands? Is the nature of the Solovetsky Islands picturesque? What attractive things can we see on the Solovetsky Islands?

History of the Monastery When did people come to the Solovetsky islands at the first time? When did monks begin to build the Solovetsky monastery? What were the churches made of?

The Monastery as a Fortress and a State Prison When did the Solovetsky monastery become a fortress? What is the length of the Solovetskaya Fortress walls? Was the Fortress invincible in attacks? How long has the Solovetsky Monastery been a state prison?

Agree or disagree with these sentences The Solovetsky islands are located in the North Sea. It’s false. The Solovetsky islands are located in the White Sea. The climate of the Solovki is not very cold. It’s true. The monks began to build the Solovetsky monastery in XVI century. It’s false. The monks began to build the Solovetsky monastery in XII-XIII century. The first churches were made of stone. It’s false. The first churches were made of wood. The Solovetskaya Fortress was invincible in attacks. It’s true. The picturesque nature and amazing monasteries attract a lot of tourists to the Solovetsky islands. It’s true.

Your English friend asks your advice what to see in the North. Name 5 reasons why he should visit the Solovetsky islands You should visit the Solovki because …..