12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Интерактивная игра для 6 класса на повторение лексики

Appearance My House Daily Routine Jobs 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

Appearance — 1 Name the parts of the body 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

My House – 1 Name the rooms 1 2 3 4 5

Daily Routine – 1 Look at the pictures. Name the activity. 2_________ 4____________ 5____________ 6__________ 7__________ 8_________ 9__________ 10__________ 3____________

Jobs -1 Name the job. 2_________ 3____________ 4____________ 5____________ 6_________ 8____________ 7__________ 9____________ 10___________

My House – 2 Match the words with the proper picture and make up a sentence with each word. 1 2 Countryside, a playground, swings, a city, a block of flats, a garage, a cottage, a bench

Daily Routine – 2 Describe the picture. Make up 8 sentences. Use Present Continuous. Tom Mary Mrs. Blake Henry Julia Ben

Appearance — 2 Fill in the correct word in each description: This woman is young and pretty. She isn’t 1…., she is tall. Her hair is long and 2…. . She is wearing a 3…. around her neck. We can’t see her 4… because she has sunglasses on her face. This man is handsome. He is an actor. He is 5… and well-built. He has 6…. on his face. He also has a moustache and a 7…. . He is wearing a black 8…. .

Jobs -2 Open the brackets using Present Simple: A waiter … (serve) customers in the restaurant. ….(nurses/work) every day? Doctors … (help) sick people. Tom …. (want) to be a driver. A singer …. (not/draw) pictures. Who … (work) in school? Shop assistants … (sell) different things. … (Ann/work) as a librarian?

Appearance — 3 Read the text and mark the sentences true or false: Lana is in the same grade with the author. Lana has got fair hair. Lana and Josh are siblings. Josh has got dark hair. Lana is very good at sports. Josh is handsome.

My House – 3 Read the sentence and name the thing. We can put our clothes there. People usually keep the food cold there. If you are tired, you can sit or lie there. We can cook using this thing. Glasses and plates are usually kept there. We usually hang them on the window.

Daily Routine – 3 Watch the video and answer the questions: What time does the boy wake up? Where does he live? What juice does he usually drink for breakfast? How does he get to school? How old is the school? What does he do in his free time?