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Spotlight 9 Module 5 «Art &Literature», Revision

Spotlight 9 Module 5 «Art &Literature», Revision

Match the words with the pictures: Miniature sculptures, Carving, Spray painting, Pottery a b c d

Pottery Carving Miniature sculpters Spray painting Check yourself (4 points)

What is the type of film? Adventure film Action film Mystery film Fantasy Adventure film Action film Mystery film Fantasy Adventure film Action film Mystery film Fantasy

Check yourself (3points) Adventure film Mystery film Action film

Comparative and superlatives

Complete the table. Adjective /adverb Comparative Superlative 1 young 2 latest 3 bigger 4 more talented 5 best 6 less 7 carefully 8 least 9 famous

Check yourself (9points) Adjective /adverb Comparative Superlative 1 young younger youngest 2 late later latest 3 big bigger biggest 4 talented more talented most talented 5 good/well better best 6 little less least 7 carefully more careful most careful 8 little less least 9 famous more famous most famous

Name the instruments. 1 2 3

Check yourself (3 points) Trumpet Violin Drums

Form new verbs with the prefixes re-, mis-, under-, over-, dis- 1 agree не согласен 2 write переписать 3 estimated недооценила 4 understand неправильно понять 5 charged преувеличили 6 make переделывает

Check yourself (6 points) 1 agree не согласен 2 write переписать 3 estimated недооценила 4 understand неправильно понять 5 charged преувеличили 6 make переделывает 1 disagree (не согласен) 2 rewrite (переписать) 3 underestimated (недооценила) 4 misunderstand (неправильно понять) 5 overcharged (преувеличили) 6 remake (переделывает)

Idioms Every language has its own collection of wise sayings. They offer advice about how to live and also transmit some underlying ideas, principles and values of a given culture / society. These combinations of words have (rarely complete sentences) a "figurative" meaning - they basically work with "pictures".

Match the idioms with their Russian equivalents 1 in the spotlight 2 it takes two to tango 3 run the show 4 face the music править бал "расхлебывать кашу“ виноваты оба в центре внимания

Check yourself (4points) in the spotlight it takes two to tango run the show face the music в центре внимания виноваты оба править бал "расхлебывать кашу"

Match the phrasal verbs 1 run through 2 run out of 3 run into 4 run over 5 run away встретиться случайно репетировать кончиться (обычно о продуктах, товарах) убегать задавить

Check yourself (5) 1.run through 2.run out of 3.run into 4.run over 5.run away репетировать кончиться (обычно о продуктах, товарах) встретиться случайно задавить убегать

Who was William Shakespeare ? Novelist and poet Playwright and novelist Poet and playwright other

Who exactly was William Shakespeare ? Poet and playwright

What didn’t Shakespeare write? comedies A detectives B tragedies C historical plays D

What didn’t Shakespeare write?(2 points) detectives B

Name the types of art. a b c d e f

Check yourself(6points) drawing painting pottery photography model making spray painting