12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Люблю свою профессию, нахожу общий язык с детьми и подростками, ответственное отношение ко всему, чем занимаюсь в жизни, в свободное время много читаю, в том числе классическую английскую литературу в оригинале, занимаюсь проектной деятельностью.
Россия, Волгоградская обл., Волгоград

Урок на тему «Городские люди теряют связь с природой и гармонию с ритмом»

City-dwellers lose touch with and the land the rhythm of nature

Match the items on the right to the items on the left Matching Exercise

Garden Rake to weed between planting, to clear up between crop rows or turn the hoe on edge to create seed surface Wheel barrow to refine the soil that has large clods in. Garden Hoe to smooth the soil by its back end while its for fork is used for removing leaves, weeds on the ground. Cultivator to transfer soil, plant, tools from one place to another.

Shovel to refine the soil, dig weeds. Garden Spade to remove vegetation from the ground after it has been planted. It isn't used for digging. Garden Fork to dig the holes for planting, to turn soil. Watering Can to water in newly planted seeds.

Gardening Gloves to tackle weeds, to smooth soil, to plant. Garden Trowels to trim hedges and keep a lawn in check around the edges. Gardening Shears to easy on the hands.

As far as I know I can admit… As far as I know I can admit… If you ask me, I personally reckon… It might be about…

Planting a flower bed I need… Planting a flower bed I need… It helps me to… In the course of working in the school yard I use… It is needed to…

Benefits of School Gardens: Give pupils the responsibility to care for the plants they grow. Instill in them a sense of accountability.

Allow them to take pride in the efforts they put forth. Allow them to work in an outdoor environment where they can interact and learn about nature.

Allow them for creative thought and active learning Teach children teamwork.

Learn patience and working skills. Improve learning and become more active learners.

Spend more time active in the outdoors and start choosing healthy foods over junk. Improvements in emotional well-being.

Improve their self-esteem and attitudes toward school through gardening projects. Improving environmental attitudes.

Increase physical activity. Beautify the school environment.

Promote increased physical activity. Reduce discipline problems.

“If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.” “If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.” Abigail Van Buren Quotation:

Weeds are a continual problem in our school campus Weeds starve out other plants and reduce both the quality and quantity garden yard.

Remove the weed before it goes to seed.

The best tools for weeding are hands.

Remove the entire plant and root system of the weeds.

Removing just the top does not kill the weeds.

Remove weeds from the flower beds so that less water is needed to grow desired plants.

Project on how to create a beautiful landscape in our school yard.

All these words describe the look of our school lawn.





Before After

Before After

My dream for a green school