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Дарья Вишневская15

Презентация по английскому языку "Snow White"

English Fairytales Выполнила: Вишневская Дарья Зурабовна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 140

Snow White Snow White

snow – снег white – белый princess – принцесса queen – королева dwarfs – гномы a red apple – красное яблоко

A beautiful princess A beautiful princess She lives in the palace

This is a queen. The Queen is angry. She wants to be the most beautiful woman in the world. This is a queen. The Queen is angry. She wants to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

She decides to kill Snow White. She speaks to a hunter.

But the hunter doesn’t want to kill her. "Go away!" he says.

run - бежать say - говорить want - хотеть forest - лес hunter - охотник

In the forest, Snow White runs and runs! She goes into the house and she sees seven little plates.

She also sees seven little beds in the bedroom. bed

Snow White goes to sleep. At night seven dwarfs come back to the house.

They meet Snow White. And She tells them about the bad queen.

The Queen thinks Snow White is dead! The Queen thinks Snow White is dead!

The mirror says, "Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the world. She lives with seven dwarfs in a little house". The mirror says, "Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the world. She lives with seven dwarfs in a little house".

Words: mirror - зеркало beautiful - красивый world - мир live - жить a little house – маленький дом

The Queen wears old clothes and goes into the forest. The Queen finds Snow White in the little house. She gives her a red apple. Snow White takes the apple and she bites it. The Queen wears old clothes and goes into the forest. The Queen finds Snow White in the little house. She gives her a red apple. Snow White takes the apple and she bites it.

But then she falls down! But then she falls down!

The seven dwarfs are at work. They come back and see that Snow White is dead! The seven dwarfs are very sad. The seven dwarfs are at work. They come back and see that Snow White is dead! The seven dwarfs are very sad.

They put Snow White in a beautiful glass coffin.

One day a prince comes into the forest. He sees Snow White. "She is very beautiful!" he says. The Prince kisses her and Snow White wakes up!