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Оксана Батуевская28

Урок английского языка в 5 классе

Unit 4. Entertainment FAMOUS PEOPLE FROM THE PAST. Teacher: Batuevskaya O.V.

What can you do for fun? walk with friends ride a bike listen to music read books watch TV развлечение ENTERTAINMENT [,entə΄teinmənt]

Read the poem. One, two, three, four, five, Last month I caught a whale alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again! Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so! What finger did it bite? The little finger on the right!

Past Simple Regular Verbs watch + ed They watched an interesting film.

What did you do yesterday? (Your sentence can be positive or negative) didn`t +V1 1. be happy 2. have a great time 3. speak English 4. eat meat 5. play computer games 6. work in the garden 7. drink apple juice 8. go on a boat trip 9. come home late 10. watch TV

Be attentive to the words Invent [in`vent] – изобретать, выдумывать Take place – происходить, иметь место Director [di`rektə] – режиссёр,…… Landscape [`lændskeip] -пейзаж Planet [`plænit] - …… Radioactive [,rediəu`æktiv] - радиоактивный Bite [bait] – кусать *John Logie Baird [`ləugi `beəd]

PAST SIMPLE TENSE What – что? When- когда? Where-где? Why-почему? Wh-? did V1 When did you write this book? Who to be” Who was Charlie Chaplin? ? Wh-? was/were ?

Read the text and make up the questions . Coco Chanel Jim Davis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Davis_%28cartoonist%29 http://www.theplace.ru/photos/gallery.php?id=3185

“The Beatles” http://mebeatles.ru/photo/1-6-0-0-2 http://vseportrety.ru/beatles.html