12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Сидоровнина Татьяна Сергеевна41

Past Simple

Going shopping Match the words to the definitions. One word is extra. 1. You can buy aspirins and shampoo here a) bank 2. You can buy shorts and trousers here. b) baker’s 3. You can buy meat here. c) money 4. You can buy fruit and vegetables here d) butcher’s 5. You can send a letter here. e) florist’s 6. You can buy bread here. f) chemist’s 7. You can buy a magazine here. g) clothes shop 8. You can buy flowers here. h) greengrocer’s 9. You buy things with this. i) newsagent’s j) post office

Past Simple. Was / Were <номер>

Мы употребляем глагол –to be ( was, were ) в past simple для описания ситуаций и состояний в прошлом. Was и were – это формы глагола to be в прошедшем времени. We use the past simple for actions which finished at a definite (определенн) stated time in the past. That is, we know when the action happened. She was in London last month. (When? Last month.) He was in hospital two weeks ago. (When? Two weeks ago) <номер>

( + ) I He She It was. We You They were. He was at the Zoo yesterday. They were in the park this morning. When I was a baby, I was fat. <номер>

Time Expressions. yesterday - вчера last week - на прошлой неделе last month - в прошлом месяце last year - в прошлом году two days / week / month / years ago - два дня / неделю / месяц / год назад in 1972 - в 1972 году <номер>

Bob is seventy. He is old and weak. NOW THEN Sixty years ago he was young. Bob was strong. <номер>

Для образования отрицательных предложений в past simple после глагола to be ( was, were ) мы ставим отрицание not. В устной речи мы обычно употребляем сокращенные формы wasn’t \ weren’t. ( - ) We form negations by putting not after was/were. I He She It was not. She was not at home yesterday. (wasn’t) <номер>

We You They were not. They were not in London last year. (weren’t) <номер>

( ? ) Для образования вопросительных предложений в past simple мы ставим глагол to be (was, were) в начало предложения. We form questions by putting was / were before subject pronoun. She was very happy . ? They were friends . ? <номер>

Short answers. In short answer only use Yes or No, the personal pronoun and the verb form was /were or wasn’t /weren’t. We do not repeat the whole question. Were you…..? Yes, I was / we were. No, I wasn’t / we weren’t. Was he / she / it …..? Yes, he / she / it was. No, he / she / it wasn’t. Were they ….. ? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. <номер>

№1 Complete with: was, were, wasn`t , weren`t 1)There …........... a lot of people in the fast food restaurant last night. It was very busy! 2) …....... Katie at school last week? No, she …......... She was sick. 3)These flowers are beautiful. ….... they expensive? No, they …...... 4) …......... James and Charlotte in the florist’s? Yes, they ..…. 5)That’s a pretty dress. …...... it in the sale? Yes, it …..... 6) ….... there a toy shop in that shopping centre? No, there ….... 7)Where …........ you yesterday, Sam? I …...... at the zoo with my mum. 8)We …...... at home last night. We …....... at the cinema with friends.