12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Ekaterina Pozdeeva1077
Just a teacher...
Россия, Кировская обл., Киров

Mushrooms (Reading lesson)

Mushrooms Reading lesson

Answer the questions Do you like mushrooms? When and where do you pick mushrooms? Who do you pick mushrooms with? What dishes does your mother cook with mushrooms? What are the most delicious mushrooms? Are mushrooms useful for our health? Why?

Look at the pictures. Name types of mushrooms Champignon



Orange-cap boletus

Rough boletus

Milk mushroom

Read the words Go hunting Собирать Sell Продавать Housewife Домохозяйка Bake Запекать Fry Жарить Grated cheese Тёртый сыр Parsley Петрушка Tablespoon Столовая ложка Stem Ножка гриба Chop Резать

Read the words Go hunting Собирать Sell Продавать Housewife Домохозяйка Bake Запекать Fry Жарить Grated cheese Тёртый сыр Parsley Петрушка Tablespoon Столовая ложка Stem Ножка гриба Chop Резать

What mushrooms can we see on the picture? Name them in English. Read the text

Fill in the gaps with suitable words What mushrooms did Olga use for her recipe? Guess.

Read the recipe

Arrange the sentences in the logical order Mix cheese, parsley and fried stems and onions. Cook under a hot grill for 3 minutes. Fry stems in oil with onion. Clean mushrooms properly. Remove stems and chop them. Fill mushrooms with the mixture. 4 6 3 1 2 5

Home task What is your favourite dish with mushrooms? Write a recipe. use not less than 4 verbs related to cooking, about 3-6 ingredients, pictures or drawings.