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Учитель английского и немецкого языков с опытом работы в школе более 35 лет.Хобби- сочинение стихов, перевод, спорт, рисование.
Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Факты о В. Шекспире

One day of his life . On the table were pancakes, butter, fish, cold meat, beer, and wine. No one in those days drank tea or coffee (they were brought to England in the 17th century), but the river water was unfit for drinking. At the Barber's. After Breakfast Shakespeare went to hairdresser or Barber. In those days, the hairstyles were important for both men and women, besides, the men wore beards. Beard also had to cut, curl, spray perfume. Therefore, men spent all day sitting at the hairdresser's, listening to music, and talking with each other.

The way to theatre After Breakfast Shakespeare went to hairdresser or Barber. Those days, the hairstyles were important for both men and women, besides, the men wore beards. Beard also had to cut, curl, spray perfume. Therefore, men spent all day sitting at the hairdresser's, listening to music, and talking with each other. The Globe Theatre was on South shore the river Thames. Shakespeare had to walk across London Bridge.

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players Shakespeare was an actor and author, And Director of his plays. As an actor he was so weak and he plays roles without words, for example, he played Shadow of Hamlet's father. Women did not play on the stage - it was forbidden. Therefore, the female roles were played by young men dressed in women's dress. Performances began in the afternoon. The theatre had no roof. All the spectators were standing, but for an additional fee they can sit on the edge of the stage. All spectators ate and drank during the show, moved during the performance, talking with each other.

After the play After the play, Shakespeare and his friends used to go to the tavern to eat good food, hear the latest news and entertainment. They often sang songs and played cards or bones.  

Before bed Before William went to bed, he usually sat at the table to work with next play, and if he was inspired, he wrote, and wrote all night...  

Belong to Shakespeare Amazing phrases, According to the dictionary of quotations, published in Oxford, Shakespeare wrote a tenth part of the most repeated quotes in English. Shakespeare enriched English with 1,700 new words.