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Екатерина Еремеева17

Презентация на тему "Воздухоплавание"


Aeronautics (Aeronautics) is flying on lighter-than-air vehicles (balloons and airships)

The first flight of the Montgolfier on June 5, 1783. (without cargo) Drawing with the description of the ball of brothers Montgolfier 1783: "the View and exact dimensions of the Balloon that first lifted people into the air." 1786 The first hot air balloon the invention of the brothers Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier .

Jean-Francois Pilatre de rosier The first free flight of the balloon, rosier and the Marquis d'arland on November 21, 1783. The balloon rose to an altitude of about 3,000 feet (1 km). Flying about five miles (9 km) in 25 minutes.

Charliere (French: charlière) — balloon filled with hydrogen, helium or other gases lighter than air. It is named after the French scientist and inventor Jacques Alexandre césar Charles. The balloon with a volume of 25 m3 made its first flight on August 27, 1783 at the confluence of 300 thousand spectators on the Champ de Mars in Paris. The first flight of the "Charlier" with a crew (Charles, Jacques Alexandre césar and M. N. Robert) took place on December 1, 1783 in Paris.

In order for the ball to rise up, the condition FA > FT must be met , for this it is necessary to warm up the air in the ball or to drop the ballast (a special load designed to lighten the ball). F FА

In order for the ball to fall down, the condition FA < FT must be met , for this purpose, a part of the gas is released from the shell or the temperature of the air inside the ball is reduced. FA FТ

If the force of Archimedes is equal to the force of gravity FA = FT, then the height of the ball does not change. FA FТ

Aerostat – balloon (from the Greek. Aer - air, static-standing) The types of balloons: a) a balloon filled with warm air b) Charlier-filled with gas Launch of the weather balloon

Airship-controlled balloon, with engine and rudders (from the French dirigeable-managed) Airship of the USSR-B6 "Osoaviakhim" (1935)

Stratostat (stratospheric balloon) — a free balloon designed for flights into the stratosphere, that is, to a height of more than 11 km. September 30, 1933 stratostat USSR-1 made a record climb to a height of 19 km with a crew of: Birnbaum E. K., Godunov K. D., Prokofiev G. A..

In 2002, the Japanese BU60-1 stratostat with a volume of 60,000 m3, a diameter of 50 m and a mass of 35 kg set a record, rising to an altitude of 53 km, i.e. the stratostat almost went beyond the earth's atmosphere. On October 14, 2012, skydiver Felix Baumgartner set two world records. He overcame the speed of sound, making a long jump from a height of 39 thousand meters. The Austrian athlete overcame the speed of sound, accelerating to at least 1173 km per hour, after he left the stratostat capsule at an altitude of 39 thousand meters. The free fall time was 4 minutes and 19 seconds.

Red Bull Stratos-a project involving Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner.

THE USE OF BALLOONS As a transport. In scientific research of the atmosphere. For testing space suits and descent vehicles. Meteorological research. In photography and video surveillance systems. Tethered balloons for communication equipment. For military purposes. Sports competitions. Advertising.

The balloon probe. The balloon rises to a height of 30-35 kilometers, and from the weather station it can be carried by the wind for 100 kilometers. The probe is a disposable device.

In scientific research of the atmosphere Earth and other planets Application of aerostatic probes in the study of Venus in the Soviet project "VEGA" 1984-1986. meteorological parameters. A system was developed for this purpose descent of probes on parachutes, subsequent filling with helium helium shells and drift in the Venusian atmosphere at an altitude of 55 kilometers. The probes worked in this mode for more than 46 hours.

Barrage balloons were used to protect against aircraft and missiles during world war I and world war II.

Moscow, 1941. Children lead a round dance against the background of the barrage balloons.

Ready-to-launch barrage balloon in front of the Bolshoi theater in Moscow.

This Heinkel He-111 is equipped with an anti-aerostatic device, but it still could not withstand a collision with a cable.

In General, over Moscow during the Great Patriotic war, the barrage balloons destroyed at least 150 enemy aircraft.

Airships have long been used as advertising carriers with great success . When filling airships with a special gas (helium) they rise high in the air. On the sides of the airship from both sides it is possible to apply an advertising image, company name, logo, phone number and any other advertising information.

Aeronautical sports The world championship on Aeronautics

The championship of Russia on Aeronautics in hot air balloons 2015 — will take place in Velikie Luki.

Tethered balloon type " bars "(raised) and airship Au-12 (below) The North-Western district of the capital received cheap Internet access, and without much damage for the owner company, it was possible to connect all secondary schools in the district to the world wide Web for free. The project also made it possible to reduce the cost of paging and cellular communication. Moreover, high-quality video surveillance of the condition was provided large areas in real time and support for confident reception of radio and television signals.

Multifunctional carrier balloon of the "bars" type (Au-17): General view The tethered balloon carrier "bars", or Au-17, has a high wind resistance, which allows it to be used in any weather. It is designed to lift equipment that requires constant power supply, as well as to ensure the exchange of information with the earth. For these purposes , a special cable-rope is used.

Development of stratospheric Aeronautics The implementation of the concept of stratodirrigables, which is almost thirty years old, has long been hindered by the lack of materials for the shell. Although no one has yet managed to build a stratospheric airship, tests of prototypes of unmanned airships are already being conducted.

In different countries, work is underway on the design of stratospheric airships.   American project