12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Всероссийский дистанционный конкурс педагогических идей на лучший конспект занятия по развитию функциональной грамотности у школьников

Структура урока

-Good- morning, boys and girls! -I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please. -How are you today? -What is the date today? What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? -Today we’ll have an unusual lesson.

-Now , look at the screen ,please! -Guess what the topic of our today’s lesson is.

-The topic of our lesson is “Puppet Show”. -Write down today’s date and the topic of our lesson. -Today we’ll read the text about different types of puppets, present your puppets to the class and choose the best puppet. .

-Let’s start our lesson. Answer my questions, please. 1.Do we have any puppet theatres in our village? 2.Did you like going to the puppet theatre? 3.Would you like visiting the puppet theatre in Ufa? 4.What do you think about puppets? .

-It’s high time to read the text about different types of puppets and get some idea. -Open your books on p.63 and find the text. -But before it we’ll practice the pronunciation of unfamiliar words and write them down into your vocabularies.

-And now look at the questions and answer them. .

-It’s high time to present and describe your puppets and tell us what kind of a puppet it is ,what material it is made of. Give the description of it.

-Thank you for your informative presentations. And now choose the best presentation and the best puppet. -Write down your homework for the next lesson. Your home task will be to be ready to retell the text about puppets.

-The lesson is coming to its end. We are still having some time. -What have you learnt from the lesson? -Did you like it? -What did you like most?