12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовала
Мария Патлах178
Россия, Приморский край, Артём

Ordinal Numerals

Ordinal Numerals Порядковые числительные

1 One First 1st 2 Two Second 2nd 3 Three Third 3rd 4 Four Fourth 4th 5 Five Fifth 5th 6 Six Sixth 6th 7 Seven Seventh 7th 8 Eight Eighth 8th 9 Nine Ninth 9th 10 Ten Tenth 10th 11 Eleven Eleventh 11th 12 Twelve Twelfth 12th 13 Thirteen Thirteenth 13th 14 Fourteen Fourteenth 14th 15 fifteen Fifteenth 15th 16 sixteen Sixteenth 16th

17 Seventeen Seventeenth 17th 18 Eighteen Eighteenth 18th 19 Nineteen Nineteenth 19th 20 Twenty Twentieth 20th 21 Twenty-one Twenty-first 21st 22 Twenty-two Twenty-second 22nd 23 Twenty-three Twenty-third 23rd 24 Twenty-four Twenty-fourth 24th 25 Twenty-five Twenty-fifth 25th 26 Twenty-six Twenty-sixth 26th 27 Twenty-seven Twenty-seventh 27th 28 Twenty-eight Twenty-eighth 28th 29 Twenty-nine Twenty-ninth 29th 30 Thirty Thirtieth 30th 40 Forty Fortieth 40th 50 Fifty Fiftieth 50th

It is the first of January.

of January. People celebrate the New Year on the first

of March. Women’s day is on eighth

of June. Russia Day is on twelfth

child in the family. Mike is the fourth Mike