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Мария Патлах178
Россия, Приморский край, Артём

Урок «British and American meals»

MEALS British and American

Americans and British people generally eat three meals a day. The first meal of the day is breakfast. British breakfast may include: Fruit juice Cereal Bacon, eggs and toasts Marmalde Tea or coffee

The traditional American breakfast includes Eggs may be fried Over-easy Over-medium Over-hard Sunny side up

Eggs may be boiled Eggs may be poached Eggs may be scrambled Omelette

On Saturday and Sunday many people eat brunch. Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch eaten usually during the late morning This consists of both breakfast and lunch dishes, including  Pancakes with maple syrup Waffles

Lunch or Dinner, which is eaten any time after midday, is the main meal of the day for some British people. People out at work may have only sandwiches Sunday lunch is special and is, for many families, the biggest meal of the week. Roast meat with vegetables

The main meal of the day for most British people is the evening meal, called supper, tea or dinner. It is usually a cooked meal with meat or fish or a salad, followed by a sweet course. In the US the evening meal is called dinner and is usually eaten around 6 or 6.30 p.m.