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стаж работы учителем английского языка с 2009 года. профессию свою люблю. стараюсь найти к каждому ученику подход.
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Способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке

Способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке

There are several ways to express the future. WITH THE MODAL WILL. With BE GOING TO. With the present simple. With the present continuous.

WILL We use the modal WILL + the infinitive form of the main verb for: You will get married and have 10 children! 1. Predictions. 2. Quick decisions. I’ll have a cup of coffee, please! Ok! I’ll call you tomorrow 3. Promises,offers, warnings.. I WILL (’ll) call You WILL (’ll) call He / She WILL (’ll) call We WILL (’ll) call You WILL (’ll) call They WILL (’ll) call

You are on an island. What do you think you'll do? 1. Will you live in a cave or in a village? I think Will you sleep on the grass or in the tree? I think I'll . Will you eat caterpillars or snakes? Will you go fishing or collect fruit? Will you wash in the sea or in the river? Will you ride a horse or an ostrich? Will you make friends with dolphins or with parrots? Will you drink milk or water? I'll live in a cav.e.

BE GOING TO We use BE GOING TO + the infinitive form of the main verb for: I am going to practise hard to become a rock star! Plans / Intentions. Predictions based on clear signs. Look at those clouds! It is going to rain! I am going to + V You are going to + V He / She is going to + V We are going to + V You are going to + V They are going to + V

THE PRESENT SIMPLE 3. Schedules. We use the present simple when we talk about: My train leaves in 15 minutes! Timetables. Programmes. I leave You leave He / She / It leaves We leave You leave They leave

THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS 2. Arrangements. We use the present continuous when we have: Sorry, I’m playing tennis on Monday, but I’m not doing anything on Tuesday. 1. Plans. I am playing You are playing He / She is playing We are playing You are playing They are playing


PRACTISE! Choose the right way to express the future in the following situations. SITUATION 1 SITUATION 2 SITUATION 3 You’re thirsty, aren’t you? I (get) you a glass of water. Oh no! He really (paint) the room that colour? ANSWER I WILL (’ll) get you a glass of water. (QUICK DECISION) ANSWER IS he really GOING TO paint the room that colour? (INTENTION) ANSWER We WILL not (won’t) be back late. (PROMISE) The film finishes at 10 p.m. (PROGRAMME) We (not be) back late. The film (finish) at 10 p.m.

SITUATION 4 ANSWER We ARE HAVING a barbecue this weekend. (PLAN / ARRANGEMENT) ANSWER In Scotland it WILL rain tomorrow. In the south of England it WILL be sunny. (PREDICTION) SITUATION 6 SITUATION 5 You should come! We (have) a barbecue this weekend! ANSWER I WILL (’ll) call the doctor. (QUICK DECISION) You’re not well. I (call) the doctor. In Scotland it (rain) tomorrow. In the south of England it (be) sunny.