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стаж работы учителем английского языка с 2009 года. профессию свою люблю. стараюсь найти к каждому ученику подход.
Россия, Алтайский край, Новоалтайск

Разница в употреблении Present Simple и Present Continuous в английском языке

Present Simple Present Continuous

Present Simple Repeated actions (every day, always, often, sometimes, never, usually, rarely) We usually go to Paris in spring. Mary draws bright posters every Sunday. I never drink coffee.

Present Simple Things in general The sun rises in the east.

Present Simple Fixed arrangements, scheduled events (e.g. timetable) Peter flies to London at 2 pm on Wednesday. I have Maths on Mondays and Fridays.

Present Simple Sequence of actions in the present (first – then, after that) After school I switch on my TV, then I watch my favourite film and after that I drink tea.

Present Simple Instructions Open your books at page 57.

Present Simple with special verbs – which are normally not used with the Present Continuous (These verbs express states, possessions, feelings etc.) She doesn't like alcohol. I believe in life after death.

Present Continuous Actions happening at the moment of speaking (now, at the moment) John is writing a book now. We are listening to the radio.

Present Continuous Fixed plans in the near future We are going to Moscow on Monday.

Present Continuous Temporary actions, things happening around now Is his sister working in England this week?