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Guess the sport

Guess the name of the sport

You play this game with a yellow ball and a racket You play this game with a yellow ball and a racket

It's like tennis but you play with bats and a small plastic ball It's like tennis but you play with bats and a small plastic ball

You have to wear gloves and beat the other player in a fight to win. You have to wear gloves and beat the other player in a fight to win.

A master of this sport has a black belt A master of this sport has a black belt

Players wear swimming suits and have to score a goal. Players wear swimming suits and have to score a goal.

A game in which two teams hit an ball over a high net using their hands. A game in which two teams hit an ball over a high net using their hands.

A sport where you go up something, usually a mountain, using your hands and feet and special equipment A sport where you go up something, usually a mountain, using your hands and feet and special equipment

A sport where you have to raise very heavy objects over your head. A sport where you have to raise very heavy objects over your head.

It is a game played between two teams of 11 players. Players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. It is a game played between two teams of 11 players. Players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal.

A team winter sport.You need a stick and a flat, black puck to play it. A team winter sport.You need a stick and a flat, black puck to play it.

It is a team game played with oval ball. It is a team game played with oval ball.