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Хоменко Ирина Геннадьевна66
Россия, Донецкая Народная Респ., г. Донецк

Учебно-методические материалы по английскому языку «Tsaritsyno»

Famous landmarks. Spotlight on Russia - Tsaritsyno

Do you know these famous sights?

Tsaritsyno Palace is a historical landmark located in Moscow, Russia. It includes an architectural complex of the late 18th century. Greenhouses, Historical Landscaped Park with ponds and new park zones with Light dynamic fountain. Tsaritsyno Palace is a historical landmark located in Moscow, Russia. It includes an architectural complex of the late 18th century. Greenhouses, Historical Landscaped Park with ponds and new park zones with Light dynamic fountain.

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The Tsaritsyno Museum & Nature Reserve in Moscow is a picturesque group of palaces, bridges, pavilions, ponds and gardens. It is a unique place in Russia’s capital city and will be a very pleasant surprise for you.

(A map of Tsaritsyno)

In front of the main entrance is the Musical Fountain. It dates back to 2006 and has a diameter of 55 meters; its more than 800 water jets can reach 15 meters high. It offers a spectacular combination of music and matching underwater colored lights, more than 3,000 in total. It is one of the park’s main attractions with day and night shows in the summer time.