12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
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Хоменко Ирина Геннадьевна66
Россия, Донецкая Народная Респ., г. Донецк

Food. National cuisines


Vocabulary Part. Task 1. Read the description. Write the name of the foods.

National cuisines of different countries

Traditional Russian Cuisine Traditional Russian cuisine is known for being heavy and hearty, with a lot of meat, potatoes, sour cream and mayonnaise. Many dishes, such as pelmeni and pirozhki, can be found in other Eastern European countries. Here are a few examples of traditional Russian cuisine to try when you visit Moscow or St Petersburg: Pelmeni are filled with a mix of meat, pepper, onions and garlic. The meat is typically pork, beef or lamb and the dough is as thin as possible. In Siberia, pelmeni are traditionally frozen outdoors in the winter and later boiled in salted water before serving with melted butter or sour cream. Shchi is a cabbage soup that has been the traditional first course in Russia for over a thousand years. In addition to cabbage, the soup may include meat, carrots, onions, celery garlic and pepper. Blini are thin pancakes that were traditionally prepared at the end of winter in Russia to honor the rebirth of the new sun during Maslenitsa. The pancakes are made from wheat. They may be topped with butter, sour cream, fruit or even caviar.

Japan and its cuisine. Japanese cuisine has its own unique cooking style and eating habits. Rice and noodles are the two main meals. Rice, boiled or steamed, is served at every meal. Noodles come in many varieties. Soy sauce and other soybean products are also very popular in Japan. Japan and its cuisine. Japanese cuisine has its own unique cooking style and eating habits. Rice and noodles are the two main meals. Rice, boiled or steamed, is served at every meal. Noodles come in many varieties. Soy sauce and other soybean products are also very popular in Japan.

Food in France. Nowadays this country has the delicious and beautiful cuisine. There are a number of traditional dishes that are both served in restaurants and eaten by locals. A French breakfast would typically include croissants that just melt in your mouth and strong coffee or a glass of fruit juice. Many people know France for the delicious desserts and pastries. Chocolate mousse is a favourite, and is a light, fluffy form of chocolate pudding. One popular, and well-known, dish is Crème Brûlėe. Food in France. Nowadays this country has the delicious and beautiful cuisine. There are a number of traditional dishes that are both served in restaurants and eaten by locals. A French breakfast would typically include croissants that just melt in your mouth and strong coffee or a glass of fruit juice. Many people know France for the delicious desserts and pastries. Chocolate mousse is a favourite, and is a light, fluffy form of chocolate pudding. One popular, and well-known, dish is Crème Brûlėe.