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Роберт Ли Фрост: творческий путь

Robert Lee Frost Done by: Nikolaev Nikita

Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) was an American poet. His work was originally published in England before it was published in the United States. Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his mastery of American vernacular, Frost often wrote about the conditions of rural life in early twentieth-century New England, using them to explore complex social and philosophical topics.Frost was frequently honored during his lifetime and is the only poet to win four Pulitzer Prizes for poetry. He became one of America's rare "public literary figures, almost an artistic institution." He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 1960 for his poetry. On July 22, 1961, Frost was named Poet Laureate of Vermont Magazine. Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) was an American poet. His work was originally published in England before it was published in the United States. Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his mastery of American vernacular, Frost often wrote about the conditions of rural life in early twentieth-century New England, using them to explore complex social and philosophical topics.Frost was frequently honored during his lifetime and is the only poet to win four Pulitzer Prizes for poetry. He became one of America's rare "public literary figures, almost an artistic institution." He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 1960 for his poetry. On July 22, 1961, Frost was named Poet Laureate of Vermont Magazine.

Poet/critic Randall Jarrell often praised Frost's poetry and wrote: "Robert Frost, with Stevens and Eliot, seems to me to be the greatest of the American poets of this century. Frost's virtues are extraordinary. No other living poet has written so well about the actions of ordinary people; his fine dramatic monologues or dramatic scenes are based on a knowledge of people of whom few poets have been, and they are written in verses that make use, sometimes with absolute mastery, of the rhythms of real speech." He also praised Frost's "seriousness and honesty," stating that Frost was particularly adept at presenting a wide range of human experience in his poems. Poet/critic Randall Jarrell often praised Frost's poetry and wrote: "Robert Frost, with Stevens and Eliot, seems to me to be the greatest of the American poets of this century. Frost's virtues are extraordinary. No other living poet has written so well about the actions of ordinary people; his fine dramatic monologues or dramatic scenes are based on a knowledge of people of whom few poets have been, and they are written in verses that make use, sometimes with absolute mastery, of the rhythms of real speech." He also praised Frost's "seriousness and honesty," stating that Frost was particularly adept at presenting a wide range of human experience in his poems.

The poet’s debut poem “My Butterfly” is dated 1894. That same year, Frost released his first collection of poems. He couldn't find publishers in the US, so he went to the UK. His first success was brought to him by the book “The Will of a Boy.” In Russian translation, the title sounded like “Farewell to Youth.” The second collection, “North of Boston,” released a year later, also attracted public interest. In 1915, the poet returned to the USA. The income from his poetic works was not enough to support his family, so he worked as a lecturer at universities and acted as a reader of his own works. In them, the author described the nature of New England, everyday situations taken from the real lives of the people around him. In 1916 he published the collection “Between the Mountains.” The next project was released in 1923. The book was called “New Hampshire” and already in 1924 brought the poet his first Pulitzer Prize. The poet’s debut poem “My Butterfly” is dated 1894. That same year, Frost released his first collection of poems. He couldn't find publishers in the US, so he went to the UK. His first success was brought to him by the book “The Will of a Boy.” In Russian translation, the title sounded like “Farewell to Youth.” The second collection, “North of Boston,” released a year later, also attracted public interest. In 1915, the poet returned to the USA. The income from his poetic works was not enough to support his family, so he worked as a lecturer at universities and acted as a reader of his own works. In them, the author described the nature of New England, everyday situations taken from the real lives of the people around him. In 1916 he published the collection “Between the Mountains.” The next project was released in 1923. The book was called “New Hampshire” and already in 1924 brought the poet his first Pulitzer Prize.

Robert Frost subtly felt human exsuccess, unlike the later "Mask of Compassion", published in 1947. In the same year, the writer’s bibliography was supplemented by the collection “Meadowsweet,” and 5 years later “In the Cuttings” was published. Robert Frost subtly felt human exsuccess, unlike the later "Mask of Compassion", published in 1947. In the same year, the writer’s bibliography was supplemented by the collection “Meadowsweet,” and 5 years later “In the Cuttings” was published. Frost's poetry anthologies were characterized by psychologism and a philosophical manner. He praised stoicism and masterfully mastered poetic rhyme, distinguished by his laconic expressions. The poet's debut collected works were published in 1930. He was awarded his second Pulitzer Prize. In 1936, the collection “The Boundless Distance” was published, and in 1942, “The Witness Tree”.In 1945, the play “Mask of Reason” was published.

Robert Frost's dramatic outlook and mood turned out to be the consequences of tragic events in his personal life. Strength of character, endurance in difficult times, adjacent to loneliness and alienation, and faith in the best did not leave the author. His work also included poems about love. In 1961, John Kennedy asked the poet to read his poem “A Gift Forever” at the presidential inauguration. A year later, Frost visited the USSR, where he met Anna Akhmatova. In his later years, Robert Frost lived and taught in Great Britain as a visiting lecturer. Robert Frost's dramatic outlook and mood turned out to be the consequences of tragic events in his personal life. Strength of character, endurance in difficult times, adjacent to loneliness and alienation, and faith in the best did not leave the author. His work also included poems about love. In 1961, John Kennedy asked the poet to read his poem “A Gift Forever” at the presidential inauguration. A year later, Frost visited the USSR, where he met Anna Akhmatova. In his later years, Robert Frost lived and taught in Great Britain as a visiting lecturer.

Robert Frost died in Boston on January 23, 1963. The cause of death was complications arising after the operation. The writer was buried in a cemetery in Vermont. Today, his poems are studied in American schools, and quotes from the author’s works have become aphorisms and are familiar to art lovers. Robert Frost died in Boston on January 23, 1963. The cause of death was complications arising after the operation. The writer was buried in a cemetery in Vermont. Today, his poems are studied in American schools, and quotes from the author’s works have become aphorisms and are familiar to art lovers.