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Роберт Ли Фрост: творческий путь

Robert Lee Frost and his creative path Done by: Shnyryov Anton

Robert Frost is an American poet who received acclaim from the public and critics during his lifetime. The writer won the Pulitzer Prize 4 times. Robert Frost is an American poet who received acclaim from the public and critics during his lifetime. The writer won the Pulitzer Prize 4 times.

The poet's debut poem "My Butterfly" is dated 1894. In the same year, Frost released the first collection of poems. He could not find publishers in the USA, so he left for the UK. The poet's debut poem "My Butterfly" is dated 1894. In the same year, Frost released the first collection of poems. He could not find publishers in the USA, so he left for the UK.

In 1915, the poet returned to the United States. The income from his poetic works was not enough to support his family, so he worked as a lecturer at universities and acted as a reader of his own works. In them, the author described the nature of New England, everyday situations taken from the real life of people around them. In 1916, he published the collection "Between the Mountains". The next project was released in 1923. The book was called "New Hampshire" and already in 1924 brought the poet the first Pulitzer Prize. In 1915, the poet returned to the United States. The income from his poetic works was not enough to support his family, so he worked as a lecturer at universities and acted as a reader of his own works. In them, the author described the nature of New England, everyday situations taken from the real life of people around them. In 1916, he published the collection "Between the Mountains". The next project was released in 1923. The book was called "New Hampshire" and already in 1924 brought the poet the first Pulitzer Prize.

In 1945, the play "The Mask of Reason" was released. It did not gain much success, unlike the later "Mask of Compassion", published in 1947. In the same year, the collection "Tavolga" was added to the bibliography of the writer, and 5 years later "On the cutting" was published. In 1945, the play "The Mask of Reason" was released. It did not gain much success, unlike the later "Mask of Compassion", published in 1947. In the same year, the collection "Tavolga" was added to the bibliography of the writer, and 5 years later "On the cutting" was published.

Robert Frost died in Boston on January 23, 1963. The cause of death was complications following surgery. The writer was buried in a cemetery in Vermont. Today, his poems are studied in American schools, and quotations from the author's works have become aphorisms and are familiar to art lovers.