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Учитель английского языка, стаж 30 лет. Любимые занятия -чтение книг, прогулки с собакой, путешествия.
Россия, Москва, Зеленоград

Презентация по английскому языку на тему «Animals of Russia. Siberian tigers» (5 класс)

Animals of Russia Syberian Tiger 5 класс Курлович Н.П. учитель английского языка ГБОУ ШКОЛА №1194 г. Москва Москва 2024

Objective: Students will be able to identify and describe the physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior of the Siberian tiger. Materials: Images of Siberian tigers Map of Siberia Video about Siberian tigers Handout with key vocabulary

Lead -in Look at the map. What country is it? What animals can you see on the map?

Russia is rich in animals. What animal is it? What do you know about Siberian tigers?

Preparation Learn the new words hunt охотиться elk лось sharp острый different различный claws когти roar рычать prey добыча Asia Азия hide прятаться

Watch a video to learn more about these animals and answer “True or False”

Siberian tigers live in Asia. True False

Oops! That’s wrong. Try again Continue

That’s correct! Continue Siberian tigers live in forests in Asia.

Tigers aren’t the largest cats. True False

Oops! That’s wrong. Continue Try again

That’s correct! Continue Siberian Tigers are large and muscular animals. They are the biggest cats.

Tigers are good swimmers. True False

Oops! That’s wrong. Try again Continue

That’s correct! Continue

Tigers have got different stripes. True False

Oops! That’s wrong. Try again Continue

That’s correct! Continue Tigers have got different stripes.

They eat berries and nuts. True False

Oops! That’s wrong. Continue Try again

They eat large mammals, such as deer and wild boar, but they will also eat smaller animals. Continue That’s correct!

Siberian tigers like to stay with other tigers. True False

Oops! That’s wrong. Continue Try again

Siberian tigers like to stay alone. That’s correct! Finish

Fill in the gaps with the words from the list. forests, endangered, habitat, prey, hunter, sharp, protect, stripes, powerful The Siberian Tiger, also known as the Amur Tiger, is a beautiful and _____(1) animal. It lives in the _____(2) of Russia, in Siberia. The Siberian Tiger is a large and muscular animal. It can weigh 270 kg. They have orange and black _____(3), which help them hunt in their forest _____(4). Their thick fur keeps them warm in the cold Siberian winters. The Siberian Tiger is a skilled _____(5). They have _____(6) claws to take down its _____(7). They eat large mammals, such as deer and wild boar, but they will also eat smaller animals. The Siberian Tiger is an _____(8) species.  The Siberian Tiger is a wonderful and powerful animal that plays an important role in the ecosystem of its forest habitat. People must _____(9) these amazing animals.

Writing. Complete the table with the information about Siberian tigers. Work in pairs. Where do Siberian tigers live?   What do tigers look like?   What do Siberian tigers eat?   How do they behave?  

Reflection Put a tick in the correct box I can tell about Siberian tigers. V

Make a poster. Draw a map of your country. Write 5-6 sentences about wild animals and tell the group. Use the plan Find out some information about wild animals. Draw a map and animals. Write sentences and tell the students.