12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
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Бадыкова Алсу Гилемхановна2260
Педагог-психолог высшей категории, специалист школы приемных родителей, учитель английского языка.15 лет работаю в общеобразовательной школе-интернате для детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей.
Россия, Кировская обл., Сосновка

Внеклассное мероприятие «Волшебное путешествие в страну английского языка»

A magic trip to English Land

Dear friends, today you are passengers of this train. We are going to travel to English Land…

«Phonetic station»/ «Фонетическая станция»

1.Name the sounds [t], [p], [s],[j], [ai], [u:],[e],[æ], [ei], [ks],[h],[w]

2.Name the sounds [d],[r],[l],[z], [b],[ʤ],[ai],[ju:], [m],[t],[p],[əʊ]

Well done!

«Phonetic station»/ «Фонетическая станция»

1. Read the words in transcription [faiv] [tri:] [laik] [blu:] [foks] [pig] [frendly] [smo:l] [kju:t] [sili] five tree like blue fox pig friendly small cute silly

2. Read the words in transcription [milk] [faiv] [sma:t] [kaind] [kæt] [breiv] [ɒrinʤ] [fʌni] [gri:n] [maʊs] milk five smart кind cat brave orange funny green mouse

Well done!

«Lexical station»/ «Лексическая станция»

1. Guess the message. Расшифруй предложение, используя код.

1.We are pupils. 2.Every day we go to school. 3.We love English.

Find pairs. Найди рифму к словам

mouse – house cat - hat pen-hen- ten hi-pie name- game box -fox 1-я команда: для 2-я команда: donkey-monkey cock-clock carrot-parrot fine-nine how-cow my-bye

Нарисуй инопланетянина по описанию: Нарисуй инопланетянина по описанию: He is not big. His body is long. His head is big. He has big green eyes, a big mouth and a short nose. His ears are long. He has two long arms and two short legs. His feet and hands are big, his fingers and toes are long. «Station of paintings»/ «Cтанция рисунков» (задание для болельщиков)

«Grammatical station»/ «Грамматическая станция» Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения: to be (am /is /are); have got/ has got

1. I am a dog. 2. My name is Sharik. 3. I am smart and strong. 4. My friend is Diadia Fiodor. 5. We are friends.

Buratino a father. has got has got

Malvina a dog.

Koloboк grandparents.

4. Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile friends. have got

Alionushka a brother.

Station of musik

«Station of Riddles»/ «Cтанция загадок» Translate the text. Переведите текст и отгадайте загадку

I am very little. I am green. I can jump. I can swim. I eat flies. I can croak. Who is it?

I am from Africa. I am green. I am from Africa. I am green. I am big. I am strong. I can swim very well. I like fish. Who is it?

I am from Russia. I am very big and brown. I can run, climb. I live in the forest. I like honey. Who is it?

I am not big. I am not small. I am cunning. I am orange. I like mice, chickens and hares. Who is it?

I am not small. I am not big. I can run, jump, climb. I like milk. I like mice. I live in the house. Who is it?

Нарисуй инопланетянина по описанию: Нарисуй инопланетянина по описанию: Он небольшой. Его тело длинное. Его голова большая. Он имеет большие зеленые глаза, большой рот и короткий нос. Его уши длинные. Он имеет 2 длинных руки и 2 короткие ноги. Его ступни большие, его пальцы и зубы длинные. «Station of paintings»/ «Cтанция рисунков»

Repetition – the mother of learning. The knowlege - the best wealth. «Station of proverbs»

Who is this? She is a very nice little girl. She has a skirt and a white blouse on. There is a red hat on her head. She has a mother and a grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood

Who is this? She is a very nice girl. She has a round face. Her eyes are large and blue. Her hair is long. It is blue. She has a big bow on her head. She can read and write. Malvina

Thank you for the game. Keep it so! Good luck everybody!