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Материал опубликовала
Жила Людмила Ивановна710
Россия, Смоленская обл., Сафоново

Презентация «Я живу в России»

Презентация на тему: я живу в России муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 4» г. Сафоново Смоленской области Работу выполнила ученица 9 класса Беликова Елизавета Учитель: Жила Людмила Ивановна

I live in Russia and I love my country. I was born and live here. My relatives and friends live here. Russia is a very interesting and wonderful country and I proud it. I live in Russia and I love my country. I was born and live here. My relatives and friends live here. Russia is a very interesting and wonderful country and I proud it.

I am proud of my country because it is a country of big and beautiful cities. ST. PETERSBURG

Roctov-on-don Nizhny Novgorod

I am proud of the nature of my country.

Lake Baikal Lake Baikal The most large mushrooms in Russia. The deepest lake on the planet. The tract AK-Corum

Northern lights in Murmansk Northern lights in Murmansk The Sayan mountains

I am proud of sport achievements of my country.

Forces would certainly be found, if work hard striving to something. Forces would certainly be found, if work hard striving to something.

I am proud of Russian traditions and holidays. The Parade of Victory day Shrovetide

April 12, the Day of Cosmonautics April 12, the Day of Cosmonautics Tatyana's Day ( the day of students)

F.I.Tutchev Don't cover Russia with your mind, Don't use your norms for understanding: It has its outstanding kind - You must believe without fading.

Источники http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://svoipravila.ru/otdih/interesno-otdyxaem/samie-krasivie-mesta-v-rossii.html http://images.yandex.ru/?uinfo=ww-1349-wh-661-fw-1290-fh-455-pd-1