12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Анастасия Игоревна Бутина462
Россия, Новосибирская обл., Новосибирск

Научно-исследовательская работа «Образ Юрия Гагарина в советских и англоязычных СМИ»

The Image of Yuri Gagarin in Soviet and English-language Media By Verhoglyadova Angelina and Belonogova Anna, students of the 6th Grade, school № 146

Purpose: to study the image of the first person in space - Yuri Gagarin - in the media. Purpose: to study the image of the first person in space - Yuri Gagarin - in the media. Tasks: • To study the theoretical literature • Analyze statements about Yuri Gagarin from the English-language and Soviet newspapers

Cosmonautics (from the Greek κόσμος - the Universe and ναυτική - the art of navigation) is the theory and practice of navigation beyond the atmosphere of the Earth

The end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century was the beginning of the Cosmonautics Era The end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century was the beginning of the Cosmonautics Era Friedrich Zander Konstantin Tsiolkovsky German Obert Robert Goddard

The First Stage - Launching Sputniks Sputnik -1

The next stage - sending a man into orbit. Alan Shepard Yuri Gagarin

At 7 minutes past 9 on April 12, the famous Gagarin's "Let's Go!" sounded.

Selected Media Советские СМИ Англоязычные СМИ Известия The Straight Times Труд Rome News Tribune Учительская газета Beaver Country Times Вечерняя Москва The Altus Time-Democrat Магнитогорский металл St. Joseph News-Press Литературная газета Evening Independent Flight magazine The New York Times

Comparison of the Vocabulary