12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Персидская Людмила25
Россия, Волгоградская обл., Михайловка


Read each statement and decide it is true(T) or false(F)

1.The Tag Mahal is in Agra, Pakistan.____

2. It’s not a palace, it’s a mausoleum for a dead wife.___

3. The building is made of red breaks and stones.___

4. There’s a large dome in the center of the building.___

5. It has five minarets at each corner.___

6. Inside there‘re three floors with 15 beautiful rooms.___

7. In the garden there’re 4 pools.___


 Translate the words
the Eight Wonder of the Modern World, a palace, pools, a main dome, white marble, a large pearl, four minarets, a fantastic building, precious stones, a mausoleum, glass, brick.


Read and complete the sentences. Use the words:


India, a large pearl, white marble, a large pearl, a fantastic building, precious stones,floors,8 rooms, dome, four minarets, Inside, beautiful garden


The Taj Mahal is in (1)….. The place is made of (2)….(3). There is a main(4)……in the centre that looks like (5) … There are(6)…….at each corner. (7) ……, there are two (8)… with (9)….. . (10)……., there is a very (11)….with (12)…. . The Taj Mahal is …(13)



Where is The Taj Mahal?

It’s on the picture №…….


1)                                               2)

3)                                           4)



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