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Нигматуллина Рамиля Салимовна368
Россия, Башкирская респ., Бирск

Презентация «Простое прошедшее время»

Презентация к уроку в 4 а классе на тему «The Past Simple tense» с использованием элементов биоадекватной методики         Выполнила: Нигматуллина Р. С. учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №3 г. Бирска  

Past Simple

last week the day before yesterday Past Simple last summer a week ago month ago last year yesterday

danced painted cried walked wanted listened needed arrived washed collected smiled jumped skated opened played liked invited talked [t] [d] [id]

swim do go did rode see run went sang came eat flew be ate fly take ran sing ride saw was/were took swam come кушать ходить видеть делать прийти петь ехать верхом брать плавать быть летать бегать

The сats watched TV yesterday. The duck ran a week ago. The horse flew last week. The parrot rode a horse last summer.

The dog walked yesterday. The bear watched TV yesterday.

Listen to the song and fill in the missing verbs Did the Irish ants arrive? ___ the Irish ants arrive? Yes, they did. Yes, they did. Did they dance? Did they fly? Yes, they ___. Yes, they did. ___ they ride? Did they drive? Did they swim across the sea? Yes, they ___. Yes, they ___. Yes, they ___. Oh, they ____(come) to us from Ireland, across the Irish sea. They ___ (eat) all the biscuits. They didn’t eat the peas. They brought us Irish butter, but they didn’t bring us cheese. Oh, they came to us from Ireland, across the Irish sea.

Did the Irish ants arrive? Did the Irish ants arrive? Yes, they did. Yes, they did. Did they dance? Did they fly? Yes, they did. Yes, they did. Did they ride? Did they drive? Did they swim across the sea? Yes, they did. Yes, they did. Yes, they did. Oh, they came to us from Ireland, across the Irish sea. They ate all the biscuits. They didn’t eat the peas. They brought us Irish butter, but they didn’t bring us cheese. Oh, they came to us from Ireland, across the Irish sea.