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Смирнова Марина Павловна38

Урок: « Welcome to number10, Downing Street! »

« Welcome to Number 10, Downing Street!» Автор презентации: Смирнова М.П., учитель английского языка МОБУ Магдагачинской СОШ №2

Don’t wait till tomorrow To reach out and grow To learn something interesting You didn’t know

Welcome to the country of a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy.

«Political people and places» This person is the head of the government. This person is the head of state. These people are elected to represent their areas (known as constituencies). They are also known as MPs. This place is where the Parliament meets. This is the name of the main right-wing party. This is the name of the main left-wing party The Queen The Conservative Party The Prime Minister Members of Parliament The Houses of Parliament The Labor Party.

Fill in the gaps In the UK there is no president, the Queen is … of the … . There are two Houses in the Parliament: … and … . People who sit in the … Commons are called … . People who sit in the … Lords are called … . British people … for MPs at a general … The party which wins a general … forms the … and their leader becomes … . After the Queen approves the bill, it becomes … .

Welcome to Number 10, Downing Street.

George Downing - the Treasury Secretary in the British Government in 1667.

Special gates were constructed for security reasons and now the largest part of Downing Street is closed to the public.

The Prime Minister’s study

The press office

Зал заседаний в наши дни и во время Первой Мировой войны.

Interesting facts about 10 Downing Street Look closely at the door — there's no keyhole. The door can only be opened from the inside. The 300-year-old building contains about 100 rooms. The Cabinet Room is separated from the rest of the house by soundproof doors.

Interesting facts about 10 Downing Street The walls of the Grand Staircase are lined with portraits of every British Prime Minister in chronological order.  Downing Street has a resident cat called Larry with the title "Chief Mouser“. (Since 1924, 10 Downing Street has "employed" a Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office - a cat) Only the Prime Minister`s chair has arms.

Answer the questions: Does it take long to get to Downing Street from the Houses of Parliament? How did this street get its name? When did Number 10, Downing Street become the residence of the Prime Minister? Can you visit the Prime Minister residence?

Answer the questions: Where do prime ministers usually live? Did the government always furnish the residence for the prime minister or did they have to do it themselves? How often does the Cabinet meet? Do the ministers use the books and maps during their meetings? How old is the furniture that is in the Cabinet Room?

React to my statements – agree or disagree with me. Downing Street was named in honour of the British prime minister. Downing Street is a synonym of the Government. The security gates were built in the street in 1991. Before 1990 tourists could enter the residence of the prime minister and tour it. The Prime Minister works and meets with other ministers in the same room.

React to my statements – agree or disagree with me. The Prime Minister lives on the second floor. The government meetings take place every Tuesday. The residence of the Prime Minister is not large. The people who help the Prime Minister also live in Downing Street. You cannot smoke at Number 10, Downing Street.

Say what the text says about the following things the daily activities of the Prime Minister? the Cabinet meetings? the way Downing Street is kept safe?

Откровенно говоря - Кроме того - Вероятнее всего - Между прочим - Возвращаясь к… - Прежде всего - Говоря о… я могу предположить - - Frankly speaking - And besides - Most probably - By the way - Back to… - To begin with - Speaking about… I can suppose that…

Replace the pronouns in italics with the words from the text. It is in the centre of the room. You can see them around the table. The Prime Minister always sits with his back to it. It hangs near the window. The President of the USA presented it to the British prime minister.

Who is today`s Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher Tony Blair James Gordon Brown David Cameron Theresa May

Theresa May is the Prime Minister of Great Britain (since July,2016)

Theresa May is Britain's first female Prime Minister since Margaret Thatcher. She is considered one of the most powerful Conservative women and was the longest serving home secretaries in British history. Theresa Mary May was born on October 1, 1956 in Eastbourne, Sussex. Her father was a vicar for the Church of England and her mother was a housewife. May attended State-run primary and grammar schools and briefly went to Catholic school. She studied geography at St. Hugh's College at Oxford University and earned her BA degree in 1977. It was during this time she had met her husband Phillip May and the two married in 1980. After graduation, May spent the next 20 years working in the financial sector before making her way into the education and political sectors in the mid '80s and '90s. She was elected as Conservative MP (Member of Parliament) of Maidenhead in 1997. Has no children.