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Евдакименко Виктория Викторовна3828
Россия, Свердловская обл., Нижний Тагил

Урок-викторина по английскому языку «Англоговорящие страны» (7 класс)

Урок-викторина на тему «English-Speaking Countries» 7 класс

Questions Where is the country situated? What is the capital of the country? What is the population of the country? What is the native language? Name some cities of this country.

London Founded: 43 Population: 7,600,000 Area: 1,706 sq km Rainfall: 799 mm Winter temperature:+3 Summer temperature:+22,5

Washington (D.C.) Founded: 1790 Population: 1,000,000 Area: 200 sq km Rainfall: 1,064 mm Winter temperature: +2 Summer temperature: +24

Ottawa Founded: 1820 Population: 1,000,000 Area: 2,757 sq km Rainfall: 1,250 mm Winter temperature: +4 Summer temperature: +21

Sydney Founded: 1788 Population: 4,200,000 Area: 1,600 sq km Rainfall: 1,180 mm Summer temperature: +22 Winter temperature: +12

Wellington Founded: 1839 Population: 410,328 Area: 290 sq km Rainfall: 1,270 mm Summer temperature: +20 Winter temperature: +6

A missing word Continent Population Award Language Nationality Underground Foreign

What is missing? Language Underground Foreign Continent Award

« An introduction to Britain»