12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Презентация "Школа" для 4 класса

School life

Hi, pupils! I know that you study English at your school. I think that you want to visit my my school. I can help you, but you should know English very well. So I`ve prepared some tasks for you. Good luck!

Harry Potter

“They go to school at eight,” “They go to school at eight,” Says little Kate. “At school they read and write, Their class is large and light.”


Children, we have a lot of mistakes in Dick’s sentences. Let’s correct them!

English children begin school at the age of … English children begin school at the age of … English children begin school at the age of 4-5 We …. number our schools, as in Russia We don’t number our schools, as in Russia English children spend four years in primary school and finish it at the age of …. English children spend four years in primary school and finish it at the age of 11 English children have no classes outdoors . English children have classes outdoors . English children begin school on the 1st of September. English children don’t begin school on Monday and on the 1st of September. They usually begin it on the first Tuesday of September English children always wear school uniform when they are at school English children don’t always wear school uniform when they are at school

Ex 3 p.93 It usually begins it on the first Tuesday of September They don’t need them on their first day at school. Pupils will get them later They play a lot, sing songs, learn how to use money, draw, paint, read, write, count, communicate with other children They spend a lot of time outdoors. At the age of five they play a lot, spend time outdoors but at the age of seven pupils sit in rows and have a timetable. They have English, Maths, History, Nature Study, Geography, Art, Music, Swimming, P.E., Religion.

Thank you! Now I know more about schools in Britain!

1st row 2nd row 3d row

Well done!

Homework Ex. 11 p. 96 написать рассказ о своей школьной жизни. Объем 8-10 предложений.

Left hand - uninteresting Right hand - interesting