12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
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Ганикель Мария Сергеевна86
Россия, Московская обл., Красногорск

Конспект урока "I go to school" (UNIT 4 Step 1) в 4-м классе УМК Rainbow English


READ [ɔ:] always, daughter, morning, floor, for [æ] apple, thanks, flat, family, garage [eɪ] table, again, take, hate, late [ɑ:] after, March, park, armchair, car [ɪ] middle, window, finish, listen, interesting [ʊ] book, hook, cook, good, look

Look at the boy – he has a toy, Look at the girl – she has a doll, Look at the cat – it has a hat, Look at the pig – it is very big.

Who is teaching you now? A teacher It is black, and red, and blue. It draws a picture for you. A pencil They can read, write and count. They are use books, pens, pencils. Pupils

You go there 5 days a week… School


The door is on the teacher’s right. The window is on the left. The pupils __________ him. The map __________. The clock ___________. The pictures _________________. The cupboard __________. The teacher’s table _________. The television __________. John Barker ______ the teacher. are in front of is behind him. is on his right are on his right and on his left is behind him is behind him is next to is on his left

The first variant: listen to the speaker and tell me what a John Barker do in school on Mondays. John has 5 lessons on Monday. He reads books, writes texts, counts, sing songs, runs and jumps. He has lunch.

The second variant- listen the speaker and read only those sentences that match the text. John does not go to school on Monday. John and Tom go to school together. John has milk in the morning. John never has eggs in the morning. The school bus stops in front of John’s house. John meets his friends in the garden. The boys usually have lessons on Monday. They read books, write texts, count and sing songs at school. They have lunch at twelve o’clock. They come home at four.

Read unfamiliar words by analogy with familiar.

New words


PUT & GIVE 1)………… the books on the table, please. 2)………… me your bike, please. 3)…………. the plant on the windowsill. 4)Mary is ready to ………….… us her computer. 5)John never ……..… matches to his little cousin. 6)Mother doesn’t often ………………. us sweets. Put Put Give give gives give