12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Бусыгина Таина Николаевна329
Россия, Тюменская обл., Тюмень

Технологическая карта и презентация к уроку английского языка в 7 классе по теме "Проблемы окружающей среды".

shelter - укрытие refuge - убежище roof - крыша support – поддерживать protect - защищать take care - заботиться

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry Better safe than sorry the worth – ценность, значимость till – до тех пор, пока well - колодец

Environmental problems toxic fumes acid rains power station soil pollution water pollution air pollution plants, fish, birds, animals species dying loss of natural habitat polluted clouds factory waste

What is it? toxic fumes acid rains power station soil pollution water pollution air pollution loss of natural habitat polluted clouds factory waste ??? species dying I think that / I consider that / It seems to me

Match the words toxic acid power factory polluted species soil station fumes dying pollution rain clouds waste I think that / I consider that / It seems to me

Warming up

Reading: p.77

burn emit toxic fumes breathe gather oxygen land acid sleet harm/harmful wipe out poison damage reduce solar power heat гореть, сжигать выделять токсичные пары дышать собираться кислород приземляться кислотный мокрый снег вредить / вредный уничтожать отравлять повреждение уменьшать солнечная энергия греть Acid Rain

The air that we breathe becomes polluted by cars, factories and power stations. The air carries the polluted clouds across long distances. When it rains, this pollution lands on trees, houses, buildings and into lakes, rivers, seas. So, it is called “acid rain”. Acid rain poisons soil and water, wipes out fish and plant species. The government tries to reduce the air pollution that causes acid rain. But we need to do more! We can help reduce acid rains by using our cars less and by using solar power to heat our homes. Acid Rain Fill in the gaps

We should: We should: We shouldn’t :

Thank you for the lesson!