12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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City mouse/country mouse

City mouse or country mouse Разработала учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ ЗАТО Видяево Васильченко А.А.

Fill in missing words 1. Everyone gets up at … because there is a lot to do on farm. a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 2. Sarah’ s mom is very … a) Pretty b) clever c) ugly 3. Today we are … the cows a) Feeding b) walking c) milking 4. We drive …. to meet the school bus. a) 6 miles b) 5 miles c) 10 miles 5. I also feel …. a) Well b) isolated c) friendly 6. In the afternoon we’re…. on oxford street. a) Drinking tea b) going to the cinema c) going shopping 7. I travel to school by … a) Bus b) tube c) car 8. It’s always ….here a) Crowded b) lovely c) quiet 9. I’m getting…. a) homesick b) hustle and bustle c) happy

1. Everyone gets up at … because there is a lot to do on farm. c) 5

2. Sarah’ s mom is very … a) Pretty

3. Today we are … the cows c) milking

4. We drive …. to meet the school bus. b) 5 miles

5. I also feel …. b) isolated

6. In the afternoon we’re…. on oxford street. c) going shopping

7. I travel to school by … b) tube

8. It’s always ….here a) Crowded

9. I’m getting…. a) homesick

True/ false Sarah’s mother brings me lunch in bed The animals are sweet Sarah’s school is large Learning about farming is boring In the city you have everything close at hand. Everyone in Annabel’s gets up early Annabel’s school is huge Sarah’s boring on lessons Sarah’s feeling tired You can hear the traffic all day

Sarah’s mother brings me lunch in bed False The animals are sweet Sarah’s school is large Learning about farming is boring In the city you have everything close at hand. Everyone in Annabel’s gets up early Annabel’s school is huge Sarah’s boring on lessons Sarah’s feeling tired You can hear the traffic all day True/ false True False False True False True False True True

Advantages and disadvantages of living in city or in county https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/2747/main/

Advantages of living in the city Low rate of unemployment Shops, cinemas, theatres Convenient public transport Close at hand High quality lifestyle

Disadvantages of living in the city high cost of living constant noise pollution heavy traffic crowded streets hustle and bustle

Advantages of living in the counrty peace and quiet beautiful landscapes fresh air friendly , helpful people

Disadvantages of living in the country Feeling isolated High rate of unemployment

Home task Write a letter to Annabel or to Sarah about your place of living