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Елена Михайловна Турапина89
Россия, Тамбовская обл., Сампур

Урок-проект по английскому языку "Расскажи о своем родном селе"

The 20th of February Сампурский филиал Муниципального бюджетного образовательного учреждения «Сатинская средняя образовательная школа» Выполнила: учитель английского языка Турапина Елена Михайловна

Homeland Motherland family Russia home native place friends school

To be founded – быть основанным Retired – отставной, ушедший на пенсию Stream – поток, ручей The major renovation – капитальный ремонт To be devoted – быть посвященным Collective farm school – колхозная школа Former – бывший friends

Sampur is a village in the north of Tambov Region, located on the Tsna River. Sampur was founded in 1732 by two retired soldiers, Stepan Pavlovich Pronin and Ivan Osipovich Dementyev, who were each granted land for service excellence. The village Sampur

Sampur is located on the Tsna River, the largest river in the Tambov Region. The Tsna originates in the Sampur district. It is formed by two small streams near the villages of Bakharevo and Verkhotsenye.

The Sampur School was built in 1938. The evacuation hospital No. 2974 was located at the school from 1941 to 1945. The major renovation of the school was completed in 2020 Sampur branch of the Satinskay secondary school

The museum is located in the school building and consists of three halls. The first one tells about the actual history of the village and the district. The exposition of the second one is devoted to Sampurians who take part in the World War II. The third one tells visitors about the history of the Sampur school. The Museum "History of Sampur village"

The Agricultural and Technological College is the oldest educational institution that appeared in Sampur in 1934. At first, it was a district collective farm school, then it was transformed into a lyceum and only in 2010 became a technical school. The Agricultural and Technological College The college has a unique gym in the Tambov region, where students learn how to operate agricultural machinery and cars. The simulators are an imitation of a vehicle cabin.

In 1898, a stone church was built in Sampur in the name of St. George the Victorious. In Soviet times, the temple was destroyed. A century later — in 1999, a church was opened in the building of the former Central District Hospital in Sampur. St. George's Church

The monument to the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War in the village of Sampur was opened in 2007. 228 Sampurians died defending the Fatherland and Europe from fascism. Their names are engraved in gold on marble slabs. The monument

1. During the World War II it was the hospital. The Sampur School 2. It is formed by two small streams. 3. It tells about history of the village and district. 4. It has a unique gym to learn how to operate agricultural machinery The Museum "History of Sampur village" 5. It was founded in 1732 by two retired soldiers

Сампур расположен на берегу реки Цны. Sampur is located on the Tsna River Сампурская школа была построена в 1938 году. The Sampur School was built in 1938. The museum is located in the school building and consists of three halls. Музей находится в здании школы и состоит из 3 залов.

Аграрно-технологический техникум – старейшее учебное заведение в Сампуре. The Agricultural and Technological College is the oldest educational institution in Sampur. В техникуме есть уникальный для Тамбовской области тренажерный кабинет The college has a unique gym in the Tambov region A stone church was built in Sampur in the name of St. George the Victorious. Каменная церковь в Сампуре была построенная в честь Георгия Победоносца.

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