12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Закирова Альфия Харисовна103
Россия, Москва, Москва

Обобщающий урок по теме «Ecology»

International Ecological Symposium Friends of the Earth

. Man must look after the world or there will be no world to look after.

Ecological Problems air pollution land pollution water pollution

Air pollution Harmful things in the air Large holes in the ozone layer A lot of noise There are not enough trees to take gases from the air People and animals can’t live without clean air

Ecological Problems air pollution land pollution water pollution

Water pollution Waste in the water Acid rains Chemicals in the water People and animals can’t live without clean water

Ecological Problems air pollution land pollution water pollution

Land pollution A lot of rubbish Things are not reused Waste products are not recycled People and animals can’t live on a poisoned land

. water pollution Waste in the water Acid rains Chemicals in the water People and animals can’t live without clean water air pollution Harmful things in the air. Large holes in the ozone layer. A lot of noise. There are not enough trees to take gases from the air. People and animals can’t live without clean air. land pollution A lot of rubbish Things are not reused Waste products are not recycled People and animals can’t live on a poisoned land ecological problems Ways to solve the problem

. Man must look after the world or there will be no world to look after.