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Щербакова Алёна107

Урок «The Fauna of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug»

Eddy the elephant was envious of the elk's peg

The fauna of the NAO Polar bear Elk Arctic fox Otter Reindeer Walrus Mosquitoes Mammal Gnat Arctic hare Quail Duck Salmon Navaga Pike Partridge

Fill in the Gaps There are 31 kinds of mammals1 and 160 kinds of birds in Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Arctic people very depend2 on the mammals. The antlers3 of _________ and _______ are used in traditional medicine. ________ antlers are bigger than ________ antlers. Arctic people use the fur4 of ________, ________, ________ and ________ to make trousers and footwear. ________ can weigh5 more than 2,000 kilos, Arctic people hunt6 them for meat. ________ is a tasty red fish. But people also can go fishing for ________ and ________. The most common birds are ________ and ________. ________ are cute animals, which like to spend time in water. Only blood-sucking ________ and ________ can be a real problem for northern residents. 1. Mammals – млекопитающие 2. To depend – зависеть 3. Antlers – рога 4. Fur – мех 5. To weigh – весить 6. To hunt – охотиться

Gerund I enjoy clapping mosquitoes.

I adore riding a reindeer.

I fancy hugging an arctic fox.

I can’t stand fishing for pikes.

Use Gerund after To adore To enjoy To fancy Can’t stand очень хотеть не выносить наслаждаться обожать


