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Малова Анна Николаевна67
Работаю учителем английского языка в ЧОУ "Лицей № 36 ОАО "РЖД" г. Иркутска. Педагогический стаж 13 лет.
Россия, Иркутская обл., Иркутск

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе «Heroes: real and unreal»

Spotlight 6 Culture Corner 7

Yuri Gagarin a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut. He was the first human to journey into outer space

Ivan Susanin a Russian peasant. He saved the life of the Russian tsar Mikhail Romanov from the Polish invaders

Alexey Maresyev a pilot. A Soviet fighter ace during World War II

What is common about them? They are heroes. They are real heroes!



What does it mean: To be a hero?

Qualities and characteristics of heroes HERO Strong Brave Rescues the helpless Fights criminals Tries hard and succeeds Wears a costume Makes heroic deeds Risks his life Power-ful

The most important qualities and characteristics of heroes A hero is someone who… 1. _________________ 3.________________ 2._______________ 1. ________________ 3.________________ 2.________________

Special powers of the Superheroes Ex. 2, p. 71

Special powers of the Superheroes

leap from building to building (прилипать) Spiderman Spider

swoop (пикировать) Batman Bat

Introduce your hero!

The Hero With No Legs Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev The Man of Steel Superman 1. What he looks like 2. His origin 3. His superpowers 4. Your feelings How he became a pilot His tragedy His heroic deeds His awards Your feelings

The Hero With No Legs The Hero of the Soviet Union - Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev

The Man of Steel Superman

The Hero With No Legs The Hero of the Soviet Union - Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev

Answer the questions: Is it difficult to make heroic deed for a real person / for a superhero? Are there any heroic professions nowadays? Who is a hero for you?

1. Ex. 5, p. 71 - Portfolio (according to the plan) 2. Learn the new words